
来源 :石油工业技术监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daniel86999
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SY/T 5094-95《钻井液用磺甲基酚醛树脂》规定了钻井液用磺甲基酚醛树脂的技术要求、试验方法、检验规则。我们依据在实施该标准过程中遇到的一些问题,对该标准中干基含量(指液体磺甲基酚醛树脂)提出几点看法,供交流讨论和标准修订时参考。 新版本和旧版本的几点差异 1.新版本中干基含量指标≥42.0,旧版本干基含量指标≥42; 2.干燥温度新版本为105±3℃,旧版本为150±2℃; 3.称取质量准确值不同,新版本准确至0.0002g,旧版本为0.0001g。 液体SMP干基含量定为42.0存在的问题 1.生产工艺方面,目前液体SMP生产普遍采用“一步法投料,分步控制”工艺,如果按标准生产干基含量大于(或)等于42.0的产品,在生产中容易出现“座锅”和烧电机的现象。 2.现场使用方面,如果液体SMP干基含量满足标准要求,那么现场使用时产品很难从桶里倒出来,另外,产品的水 SY / T 5094-95 “Sulfomethyl phenolic resin for drilling fluids” stipulates the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules for sulfomethyl phenolic resin for drilling fluid. Based on some of the problems we encountered in the implementation of the standard, we put forward a few observations on the dry basis content of the standard, which is referred to as liquid sulfomethyl phenolic resin, for discussion and standard revisions. Some differences between the new version and the old version 1. The new version of the dry content index ≥ 42.0, the old version of the dry content index ≥ 42; 2. The new version of the drying temperature of 105 ± 3 ℃, the older version of 150 ± 2 ℃; 3. Weigh the exact value of the different quality, the new version accurate to 0.0002g, the old version of 0.0001g. Liquid SMP dry content was set at 42.0 problems 1. Production process, the current liquid SMP production commonly used “one-step feed, step by step control” process, if the standard production of dry content greater than (or) equal to 42.0 of the product, In the production of prone to “seat pan” and burn the phenomenon of the motor. 2. Field use, if the liquid SMP dry content to meet the standard requirements, then the product is difficult to pour out of the bucket when used in the field, in addition, the product of water
金川超镁铁岩侵入体赋存有超大型硫化物矿床 .岩体中、西段为岩浆通道 ,岩相对称分带 ,矿体产于中部的纯橄榄岩和二辉橄榄岩中 ;东段产状较缓 ,岩相为垂直分带 ,矿体位于岩体
1 病例报告 患者男,12岁,因发热14d于1998年6月20日门诊以“上呼吸道感染”收入院。既往否认结核及风湿病史。体检:体温39.4℃,脉搏80/ 1 case report Male, 12 years old,