
来源 :绿化与生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:deathzdw
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北京春天的风沙着实让市民吃尽了“苦头”。绿化和森林保护受到人们的普遍关注。今年,北京市的绿化工作目标为:在构筑平原、山区、城市等三道绿色生态屏障并加大绿化美化的同时,还将建设高标准的生态、高效益的绿色产业和高水平的森林资源安全保障等三大体系。其中,森林防火、病虫害防治和林政资源管理等三项措施,成为守护我们赖以生存的这片“绿地”的安全保障。据了解,目前北京市有林地面积超过80万公顷,林木覆盖率为44%。在片片林海深处,除了用电视系统和电子探头等先进的设备进行监控外,还活跃着一支由11789人组成的护林员。其中有153人值守在各区县63个嘹望塔上,嘹望的面积约有24万公顷,不论是炎炎的夏日,还是寒冷的冬天,他们常年与寂寞和孤独为伴,克服短水少菜的困难,换来了森林的葱郁。正当我市森林防火戒严期的4月初一个漫天沙尘的日子,记者在市森林公安处和怀柔森林公安科同志的安排下,与一对在嘹望塔上职守了8年的护林员夫妻度过了短暂的一天一夜,亲身体验了护林员的艰苦生活,感慨颇多…… Beijing’s spring sand really let the public to eat the “bitterness.” Afforestation and forest protection have drawn people’s attention. This year, the goal of afforestation in Beijing is to build a green eco-barrier with a high standard of ecological and high efficiency and a high level of forest resources while building three green ecological barriers such as plains, mountains and cities and increasing greening and beautification. Security and other three major systems. Among them, the three measures of forest fire prevention, pest control and management of forest resources have become the safeguards guaranteeing the “green space” on which we live. It is understood that at present Beijing has more than 800,000 hectares of forest land and 44% of trees. In the depths of the film Linhai, in addition to using television and electronic probes and other advanced equipment to monitor, but also active in a 11789 people composed of rangers. Of these, 153 are on the 63 watchtowers in all districts and counties. The lookout area is about 240,000 hectares. They are perennial loneliness and loneliness both in the hot summer days and the cold winters, The difficulty of food, in exchange for the lush forest. Just as the city’s forest fire precarious days in early April a sky full of dust, journalists in the city of Forest Public Security and Huairou Forest Public Security Branch of the arrangements of comrades, with a pair of watchman in the watch tower on duty for 8 years husband and wife After a short day and night, personally experienced the hard life of the Rangers, feeling a lot ...
在一些思绪浮躁的夜晚 ,我喜欢独自推开历史那扇长满青苔的厚重的大门 ,走进岁月的深处 ,任由那阵阵远古清凉的气息 ,似风 ,似雾 ,扑面而来 ,把我与一个喧嚣的尘世隔断。我的
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