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医院制剂室是医院药剂科或药局的重要组成部分,其制剂质量直接关系到医疗质量和广大患者身体健康.因此,按《药品管理法》的规定,加强对医院制剂工作的管理,提高自制制剂的质量,确保人民用药安全有效,已引起了各级卫生行政主管部门和医院领导的重视,并把它纳入医院工作的重要议事日程.回顾医院制剂工作,近二十年来,随着医疗卫生事业的发展,医院制剂为临床服务,解决医疗用药需要,发挥了极积作用.制剂室的普遍建立,势必导致管理上某些问题出现.对此,国务院及卫生部颁发了有关文件;1981年全国药政工作会议就强调要加强对医院制剂室的整顿建设和管理.我省卫生厅 The preparation room of the hospital is an important part of the pharmacy department or the pharmacy of the hospital. The preparation quality of the hospital preparation is directly related to the quality of the medical treatment and the general health of the patients. Therefore, according to the provisions of the Drug Administration Law, the management of the preparation of the hospital should be strengthened and self- The quality of preparations, to ensure that the people safe and effective use of drugs, has aroused the attention of the health administrative departments at all levels and the leadership of the hospital, and put it into an important agenda of the hospital work.Review of hospital preparations, the past two decades, with the medical and health The development of the cause, the hospital preparations for clinical services, to solve the medical needs of drugs, has played a very large role in. The general establishment of the preparation room, is bound to lead to some problems in management .In this regard, the State Council and the Ministry of Health issued the relevant documents; The National Conference on Pharmaceutical Administration stressed the need to strengthen the rectification and construction of hospital preparation room and management.
目的:比较延长下斜方肌皮瓣和胸大肌皮瓣在复发性口腔、口咽癌术后缺损重建中的应用效果。方法 :选取中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院口腔颌面外科39例复发口腔癌或口咽癌病例,挽救性
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