Duel in Cyberspace电脑网络之战

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这是一个制服高科技犯罪的案件。没有枪械和匕首,但读者同样看见了刀光剑影;虽然没有犯罪分子作案时的狰狞面目,但读者仍可见一个带手铐脚镣的“重犯”下场: A tall young man with metal-rim glasses and shoulder-length brown hair entered,handcuffed,his legs chained. 所谓高科技犯罪.即利用电脑网络进行偷盗的违法活动。本文的标题Cyberspace就向读者暗示了文章的内容。查《英汉大词典》,Cyberspace并未收入。却收入了cyberculture电脑化社会、cybernation电脑化等词汇。可以猜想.eyxber是一个前缀,表示“电脑的”,翻开当今西方的刊物.不难发现cyber是一个日趋活跃的前缀.以本文为例.就出现了不少由cyber拼缀而成的新词,最典型的莫过于cyberthief(电脑网络窃贼)。 案件发生在美国加州。罪犯的名字叫Kevin Mitnick。此人自幼接触电脑.早在1981年,就写下了其电脑犯罪的记录: … the 17-year-old was arrested for stealing computer manuals from Pacific Bell’sswitching center in Los Angeles. 第2次犯罪时间是1988年: Mitnick broke into the computer system at Digital Equipment Corp.,accessingvaluable information about their computers and downloading an expensive seeurityprogram This is a case of uniform high-tech crimes. There were no firearms and daggers, but the readers also saw the sword; although there were no criminals in the face of the crime, the reader could still see a “heavy criminal” with a handcuffed ankle ending: A tall young man with metal-rim glasses and shoulder-length brown Hair entered, handcuffed, his legs chained. The so-called high-tech crimes. That is the use of computer networks for theft of illegal activities. The title of this article, Cyberspace, hinted at the content of the article to readers. Check the “English-Chinese Dictionary”, Cyberspace did not income. However, it included cyberspace computerized society and cybernation computerized vocabulary. It can be guessed that .eyxber is a prefix that means “computer’s” and open up the current Western publications. It is not difficult to find that cyber is an increasingly active prefix. Take this article as an example. There have been a lot of new pieces of cyber puzzles. The word, the most typical is cyberthief (computer network thief). The case occurred in California. The criminal’s name is Kevin Mitnick. This person had been exposed to computers since childhood. As early as 1981, he wrote down his computer crime record: ... the 17-year-old was arrested for stealing computer manuals from Pacific Bell’s switching center in Los Angeles. The second crime time. In 1988: Mitnick broke into the computer system at Digital Equipment Corp., accessingvaluable information about their computers and downloading an expensive seeurityprogram
盛世中国,好戏连台。继去年成功举办北京奥运会后,举世瞩目的上海世博会将于2010年5月1日至10月31日在“东方明珠”上海举办。这是我国首次举办的大规模综合性世界博览会,届时将有超过200个国家和国际组织参展,数千万观众参会,是在有着悠久文明史的华夏中国举行的一次世界文明大聚会。  办好上海世博会,对于展现我国社会、经济、文化和科技领域成就,促进我国与世界各国的交流与合作,推动我国经济社会发展,其
英语与汉语的不同,其一就表现在这两种语言的词和词组都有着各自固定或习惯的构成方法和组合次序。由于这个原因,我们在英汉对译中就经常会遇到 A+BB+A 的错位翻译现象。本
1.You’re telling me.还用你说。例如:A.You know what? Smoking is extremely harmful to your lungs.你知道吗?吸烟对肺极其有害。B.You’re telling me,还用你说。(早知
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No man is an island, entire of itself: Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, As w