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知名画家张恩利选择上海作为他的根据地,工作室在著名的莫干山路50号。三年前作为国内唯一的艺术家他签约了HAUSER WIRTH画廊。这是国际上最有影响力的画廊第一次与中国艺术家签约。近年来他取得的艺术成就令世界注目,成为当今画坛的重量级人物。 Well-known artist Zhang Enli chose Shanghai as his base and the studio at No. 50 Moganshan Road. He signed HAUSER WIRTH Gallery as the only artist in China three years ago. This is the first time that the most influential art gallery in the world has signed with Chinese artists. In recent years, the artistic achievements he has made have caught the world’s attention and become the heavyweights in today’s painting world.
民国二十九年(1940)4月25日,蒋介石偕夫人宋美龄女士,在张治中上将、邓锡侯上将、潘文华上将、孙震上将和蒋介石的政治秘书陈武鸣等人以及地方官员的陪同下,分乘8辆轿 Twent
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