Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed that the peroxidase isozyme bands in the leaves of P. vinifera plants tended to decrease after infected with the MLO, and the healthy plants had a maximum of 11 bands, There are six typical and stable bands, namely Ⅰ_b, Ⅰ_c, Ⅰ_d, Ⅱ, Ⅲ_d and Ⅲ_e; while the typical symptoms of the third-class symptoms of the lack of low Rf values Ⅲ_d and Ⅲ_e zone. Ⅲ_d and Ⅲ_e with or without enzyme band, concentration and activity of the external symptoms of the severity of the disease is negatively correlated. There was also no Ⅲ_d and Ⅲ_e bands in the stem and leaf of healthy plant before seedlings. With the increase of plant physiological age, its activity and concentration increased gradually. Oxytetracycline treatment of diseased plants can increase the Ⅲ_d and Ⅲ_e enzyme activity and concentration.