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  出行限制和签证发放以及隔离要求意味着此次参加ITMA ASIA的展商们不能面对面同潜在客户交流。这对国际展商来说,确实受到了严重的影响。当地的展商也会受制于地方的社交准则。在展览面积上,主办方可能会考虑减少展出面积,国际参展商的工作人员也将减少。但总的来说,这次展览势必会取得巨大的成功。
  UK textile industry will be recovered in July
  Interview with Alan Little, Association Director of BTMA
  The outbreak is a blow to the whole industry in the UK. We cannot comment on the textile market in the UK other than they are suffering from delays in obtaining supplies of raw material from overseas. However, with reference to the textile machinery industry in the UK there has been a fall in orders, but not a dramatic one. Overall shipments of textile machinery in 2020 only fell by 3% compared with 2019. We believe that the pandemic is coming under control and that the whole population of the UK will have received a vaccination by mid-July. This is when we expect things to return to normal. In the meantime, there is still a reasonably good demand for UK made textile machinery and our manufacturers are pushing ahead with their production programme. We expect that the demand for new machinery will increase towards the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. However, it will be difficult for those countries that have not stabilized the pandemic sufficiently to allow things to normalize.
  It has had a major impact on international exhibitors as restrictions on travel and issuing VISAS plus the quarantine requirements means they cannot meet potential customers face to face. For local exhibitors they will be bound by the local distancing rules etc. Overall, the exhibition will be slightly smaller with less machinery from international exhibitors using local staff to man their stand. However, there is no doubt that the show will be a great success.   As for the export market, 0ur main sales region is Europe and the main nation currently is the USA. This time we have 7 local enterprises exhibiting, all of them producing high quality equipment and services. As an Association we cannot divulge details other than the equipment being shown is carefully designed to take into account environmental issues, efficiency, and sustainability. I believe that textile machinery enterprises in Europe have invested heavily in ensuring that their latest developments meet the increasing demands of the textile producers with regards to increased and flexible production methods and systems combined with sustainability.
  It is true that the Asian textile industry is developing rapidly however the Chinese market has certainly slowed down in their requirement for UK made textile machinery over the past 2 or 3 years. However, China still represents an important market and leads the way in Asia. India is being overtaken by Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
  Now, the biggest challenges facing the global textile industry are maintaining stability and productivity, changes to tariffs, environmental impact, and social challenges. There will obviously be greater emphasis on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) involving autonomous systems, robotics, smart manufacturing, and ERP. For the Chinese textile machinery enterprises, it is important that they continue to develop their machinery and after sales service.
瑞典是个小国家,高度依靠国际贸易,其他国家的封城产生了很大的影响,但瑞典本身从未完全封闭过。疫情发生后,一些订单被取消了,而另一些被停滞。大多数TMAS成员在国内和国际上都有生产,但由于出行的限制,销售、服务、安装和支持都是个巨大的挑战。  面对新的环境和挑战,大体上,瑞典的公司已经适应了新的情况,通过使用数字工具如在线会议、安装和支持远程服务以及许多创造性的举措去解决物流带来的问题。有一个TMA
Recent price movement  All benchmark prices increased over the past month.  Since early March, the July NY/ICE futures contract climbed from values near 78 to those above 90 cents/lb. In the latest tr