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在1999年12月31日新旧世纪交替的重要时刻,江泽民同志高瞻远瞩,对宣传思想工作和精神文明建设作出重要批示,强调指出宣传思想工作和精神文明建设,事关建设有中国特色社会主义事业的大局。越是深化改革、扩大开放,越是发展社会主义市场经济,越要重视和加强这方面的工作。高度评价近几年来,特别是去年一年来思想工作和精神文明建设的重要地位和作用,进一步明确指出宣传思想工作和精神文明建设的任务和方向,对搞好宣传思想工作和精神文明建设提出了新的更高的要求。这是对宣传思想战线全体同志极大的教育、鼓舞和鞭策,也是在 At an important juncture of alternating the old and the new on December 31, 1999, Comrade Jiang Zemin took a forward-looking view of the propaganda and ideological work and made important instructions on the building of spiritual civilization. He emphasized that the publicity and ideological work and the construction of spiritual civilization are related to the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics Overall situation. The more we deepen the reform, expand openness and the more we develop the socialist market economy, the more we must attach importance to and strengthen the work in this field. Spoke highly of the important position and role of ideological work and spiritual civilization construction in recent years, especially last year, and further pointed out clearly the tasks and directions for propaganda and ideological work and spiritual civilization construction and put forward the proposals on doing a good job in propaganda and ideological work and in building spiritual civilization New higher requirements. This is a great education, inspiration and encouragement for all the comrades in the propaganda and ideological front as well
本文介绍了一种含表面活性剂和螯合剂 的新型清洗剂和清洗技术.利用红外吸收谱和X-ray光电子谱,把它和标准RCA清洗技术做了比较.测量和比较了用两种清洗技术清洗过的硅片表面
ZGMF-1017吉恩的故事rnZGMF-1017吉恩是扎夫特(自由条约黄道联盟)的量产机型,但也有少量流入私人手中.C.E 2073年10月,一帮忠心耿耿的恐怖分子在Patrick Zala的带领下,从殖民