为了充分利用本县的实生毛竹林资源,从1982——1985年我们进行了实生毛竹不同立竹密度与挖取母竹数量关系的试验,现已取得了初步结果。 一、试验地概况 试验地位于溧水县林场茅山分场无风凹山脚,坡向东至东北,土壤为质地较粘重的黄棕壤。深50厘米以上,含石砾较少。 供试林分为1971春用广西融安县2年生实生苗营造的竹林。至试验前(1982年),立竹覆盖度一般在80%以上,平均高达4.6—5.9米,枝下高1.2—1.9米,平均胸径2厘米左右,每亩立竹418—832株。抚育管理措施一般。 二、试验方法 试验竹林每亩保留400、600、800株三种密度。每种密度每年每亩分别挖取胸径3厘米,枝下高2米左右的竹母25、50、75、100株,并设对照(不挖母竹,只进行间伐),
In order to make full use of the county’s provenance bamboo resources, from 1982 to 1985, we conducted a test of the relationship between the density of bamboo stands and the number of the mother bamboo excised, and preliminary results have been obtained. First, the test site Overview Experimental site is located in Lishui County Maoshan mountain branch no windy hillside, east to northeast slope, the soil texture is more sticky yellow brown soil. More than 50 cm deep, with less gravel. For the test forest is divided into 1971 Spring Rong’an County, Guangxi 2-year-old seedlings to create bamboo forest. Before the experiment (1982), the coverage of Phyllostachys pubescens was generally above 80%, with an average of 4.6-5.9 meters, branches of 1.2-1.9 meters high, average diameter of about 2 centimeters, 418-832 acres of bamboo. Tending management measures in general. Second, the test method to test bamboo reserve 400,600,800 per acre three kinds of density. Each density per acre were dug 3 cm diameter, bamboo branches 2 meters tall about 25,50,75,100 bamboo, and set the control (not dig the mother bamboo, only thinning)