Bipolar outflows as a repulsive gravitational phenomenon——Azimuthally Symmetric Theory of Gravitatio

来源 :天文和天体物理学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolfish150
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This paper is part of a series on the Azimuthally Symmetric Theory of Gravitation(ASTG).This theory is built on Laplace-Poisson's well known equation and it has been shown that the ASTG is capable of explaining,from a purely classical physics standpoint,the precession of the perihelion of solar planets as a consequence of the azimuthal symmetry emerging from the spin of the Sun.This symmetry has and must have an influence on the emergent gravitational field.We show herein that the emergent equations from the ASTG,under some critical conditions determined by the spin,do possess repulsive gravitational fields in the polar regions of the gravitating body in question.This places the ASTG on an interesting pedestal to infer the origins of outflows as a repulsive gravitational phenomenon.Outflows are a ubiquitous phenomenon found in star forming systems and their true origin is a question yet to be settled.Given the current thinking on their origin,the direction that the present paper takes is nothing short of an asymptotic break from conventional wisdom; at the very least,it is a complete paradigm shift because gravitation is not at all associated with this process,but rather it is thought to be an all-attractive force that only tries to squash matter together onto a single point.Additionally,we show that the emergent Azimuthally Symmetric Gravitational Field from the ASTG strongly suggests a solution to the supposed Radiation Problem that is thought to be faced by massive stars in their process of formation.That is,at~8-10 M⊙,radiation from the nascent star is expected to halt the accretion of matter.We show that in-falling material will fall onto the equatorial disk and from there,this material will be channeled onto the forming star via the equatorial plane,thus accretion of mass continues well past the value of~8-10 M⊙,albeit via the disk.Along the equatorial plane,the net force(with the radiation force included)on any material there-on right up to the surface of the star is directed toward the forming star,hence accretion of mass by the nascent star is un-hampered.
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