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在当前新闻改革中,如何改进新闻写作以达到宣传报道“深入人脑,打动人心”的要求,是大家共同关心的问题。本刊特辟“改进新闻写作笔谈”栏目,发表这方面的探讨文章。改进新闻写作不只是个写作技巧问题,它涉及到新闻观念更新、对新闻价值的认识以及新闻主题、体裁、语言、风格、篇幅等问题,要说的话会很多。为了能让更多的人发表意见,稿子不能过长,一般以不超过两千字为宜。一篇稿子集中讲一个意思,或指出现在新闻写作方面的问题,或对某一稿件进行剖析,或通报调查情况、提出自己的观点,或反映读者的意见与要求。总之,要根据当前的新形势、新情况,从新闻写作的现状出发,开门见山,不绕圈子,提出自己的改进意见。文虽成而意未尽,还可再写,如有不同看法,可以进行同志式商榷、讨论。我们希望广大读者参加这次笔谈,尤其希望从事新闻编采工作的同志发表自己的意见。来稿请注明“改进新闻写作笔谈稿”,寄本刊编辑部。 In the current news reform, it is a common concern that how to improve the writing of journalism so as to fulfill the requirement of “deepening the human mind and touching the heart” of media coverage. The publication features “improve the writing of news writing” column, published in this area to discuss the article. Improving journalism is not just a matter of writing skills. It involves updating news concepts, understanding news values, and topics like news topics, genres, languages, styles, and length. In order to allow more people to express their opinions, manuscripts can not be too long, generally no more than two thousand words is appropriate. A manuscript concentrates on one meaning, or points out the problems of the current news writing or the dissection of a manuscript, or notifies the investigation, puts forward his point of view, or reflects the reader’s opinions and requirements. In short, according to the current new situation and new situation, proceeding from the current situation of news writing, we should go straight to the point without going round the circle and put forward our own opinions for improvement. Although the text does not mean to Italy, but also to write, if different views, you can conduct gay discussion, discussion. We hope that a large number of readers will participate in the written discussion and especially hope that those comrades engaged in compiling and editing the news express their opinions. Please indicate the manuscript “improve the news writing pen talk”, send the editorial department.
<正> 中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝6月17日在中南海主持召开专家座谈会,就加强公共卫生建设,促进经济与社会协调发展听取意见,并作了重要讲话。他指出,在全面建设小
Ti3Al基合金是一种Ti-Al系金属间化合物,其密度低,具有较高的比强度和弹性模量、高温抗氧化性和耐腐蚀性,在航空航天领域具有很广阔的应用潜力。但是, Ti3Al基合金在室温下的塑性
我个人认为,采写新闻稿件, 不能只报喜不报忧。其实,只要我们实事求是地反映情况,就不是单纯报忧,而可化忧为喜。今年三月份,我采写的“风吹雨打日头晒.遭践踏;焦坟文物无人