
来源 :广东教育·高中 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunday_rectina
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  在平时的评卷过程中,总会发现有的学生整篇文章只有两段,概括为一段,发表看法为一段。这样导致评卷教师评卷时很难找其要点。甚至有的考生,这个要点写一句,又参杂另一个要点,再回到头一个要点,条理不清,逻辑混乱弄得评卷老师哭笑不得。虽然各要点需要有主有次,详略得当,但是有的考生对该展开写作的要点不展开,一句话带过。 “各为一段”, 即根据读写任务的要求,每个要点为一个段落。要点跃然纸上,条理清晰。
  “顺序写作”, 即不要轻易打破试卷上给出的要点顺序。英语试卷中要点先后给出是有一定逻辑关系的。第一个要点先写,第二个要点后写,按照顺序来,逻辑关系相对紧密。
  1. You can hardly come across a cleaning worker except in the early morning for they always get up early to avoid the busy people. (艰辛)
  2. When it comes to the ordinary work, nobody can deny the fact that cleaning is the most tiring and dirty work. (艰辛)
  1. I can’t imagine what a city would be like without a cleaning worker. (没有清洁工)
  2. However, we ought to appreciate and respect the cleaning workers, whose work ensures us a clean environment. Just imagine what would come to people’s life because of absence of cleaning workers. (没有清洁工)
  1. Every ordinary job like cleaning has its own value, without which the whole society would come into a mess. (对平凡工作的看法)
  2. So every ordinary job like cleaning matters in our daily life and every single ordinary worker deserves our respects. (对平凡工作的看法)
  1. You can hardly come across a cleaning worker except in the early morning for they always get up early to avoid the busy people. Wearing a mask, they spent hour after hour putting rubbish together, loading it onto the garbage truck and then carrying it away. It hits me how tiring it is for a cleaning worker to do his regular work every day and even he has to swallow the prejudice from others.
  I can’t imagine what a city would be like without a cleaning worker. Rubbish without being cleared would pile up,becoming a small mountain and give off bad smells of rotted wastes. People would live or work in such a dirty and messy environment that they can’t focus on their work, and worse still, their health would also suffer.
  Every ordinary job like cleaning has its own value, without which the whole society would come into a mess. Any behavior to classify them is not right. Only when the ordinary work is well completed can our society function properly.   2. When it comes to the ordinary work, nobody can deny the fact that cleaning is the most tiring and dirty one. The cleaning workers works long hours cleaning the streets before people get up. They bathe themselves in the dusty air and breathe the bad smell produced by the rotted wastes. Their sweaty clothes can hardly get dry because of long time in cleaning and removing the rubbish.
  However, we ought to appreciate and respect the cleaning workers, whose work ensures us a clean environment. Just imagine what would come to people’s life because of absence of cleaning workers. Piles of rubbish would remain where it is, giving off bad smell, which would not only cause pollution to the city but destroy the hope people hold for life.
  So every kind of ordinary work like cleaning matters in our daily life and every single ordinary worker deserves our respects. Without their tiring and boring work, our society would lose its function. And every single ordinary worker should also value your job and attach more importance to it. Only in this way can our society go on better.
  责任编校 蒋小青
有界匀强磁场是指只在局部空间存在的匀强磁场.带电粒子垂直磁场方向从磁场边界进入,由于入射速度和磁感应强度的可变性,造成它在磁场中运动的圆弧轨迹各不相同,对应的运动时间也各不相同.  定性比较带电粒子在有界磁场中运动时间的方法有两种.一种是通过比较圆心角的大小来比较时间的长短,适用于磁感应强度不变的情况,其计算公式是t=·T;另一种是通过比较弧长(弦长)的长短来比较时间的长短,适用于速度大小不变的情
体育教学是按照一定计划进行的有目的性的教育过程,是实现体育目标的重要途径,在体育教学过程中,最基本也是最重要的教学方式之一就是语言教学,但是,体育教学中的教学语言与其他学科的教学语言的特点不同,本文从体育教学本身的特殊性出发,对体育教学中的教学语言的特点进行简单的分析和总结。  体育教学教学语言艺术性教学语言是教师根据教学任务的要求,针对客观的学生对象,在一定的时间之内,为达到预期的教学效果而使用