
来源 :粮食储藏 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sakuma556
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随着杀虫药剂在粮食中的使用品种的日益增多,储粮中农药残留问题变得日趋复杂和日益被人重视。我国目前防治储粮害虫,特别是作为歼灭性措施和检疫处理,使用化学药剂仍是一个主要方法。每年80%以上的国家储粮都经过药剂处理。我国熏蒸药剂年产量已从建国初期的几十吨发展到目前的三千吨左右,其中大部份用于国内处理储粮防治害虫。为了保证粮油食品卫生,减少杀虫剂在粮食中的残留,对储粮中使用化学药剂必须加以严格控制,尽量减少由于使用化学药剂给储粮带来的残留污染。一、储粮害虫化学防治中常用的化学药剂及其最高残留极限储粮中使用的杀虫药剂主要有两种类型:一种是熏蒸药剂;一种是防护药剂。根据 With the increasing use of pesticides in food, the issue of pesticide residues in stored grain has become more and more complicated and increasingly valued. At present, the control of stored grain pests in our country is still a major method, especially as an annihilation measure and quarantine treatment, using chemical agents. More than 80% of the country’s grain reserves are treated with pesticides annually. The annual output of fumigation agents in our country has grown from tens of tons in the early days of the founding of New China to about 3,000 tons at present, most of which are used for domestic grain storage and control of pests. In order to ensure the food hygiene of cereals and oil and reduce the residues of pesticides in foodstuffs, the use of chemical agents in grain storage must be strictly controlled to minimize the residual pollution caused by the use of chemicals to grain storage. First, the stored chemical pest chemical control commonly used chemicals and their maximum residue limits stored pesticides used in grain storage there are two main types: one is fumigation agents; one is protective agents. according to
Background and Purpose -The local renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and cycl ooxygenase-2 contribute to the activation of nuclear factor κ B(NFκ B) and C -reacti
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1986年5月从新疆自治区伊宁县玉米露天堆垛底部霉变玉米中采集到三种Lathridius属仓库害虫,其中二行薪甲Lathridius rugicollis(Olivier)属我国新纪录种.本文对它进行了形态
五峰的秀水滋养了勤劳的土家儿女;而五峰大山又以其特有的灵气抚育了一批土家族杰出的文学家。出生于仕官望族和书香世家的田泰斗就是其中成就最高的佼佼者。 Wufeng Xiushu
两位摄影师在伦敦相遇 ,其中一人对另一人说 :“今天早晨 ,我在地铁的出口 ,遇见一个年老憔悴的乞丐向我讨钱。他冷得瑟瑟发抖。脸上的皱纹密布。在萧条的街景中 ,更显得他衣
节俭与吝啬,从其表象来看,都是爱惜财物,但内涵却大相径庭。 节俭,是对财物的爱惜,是对劳动者的尊重,是对财物有节制的使用,不铺张,不浪费。 吝啬,是狭隘的书制,是将所有的财物据为己有