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目的观察早产儿出院后配方奶对具有营养不良高危因素的早产儿出院后喂养的效果。方法采用前瞻性研究,以2005年九省市中国儿童生长标准为对照,对具有营养不良高危因素的100例早产儿出院后采用早产儿出院后配方奶喂养,定期进行生长发育检测,当生长参数(头围、身高、体重)均达到相当月龄生长曲线第25百分位者即转换婴儿配方奶或者母乳,探索喂养时间的长短。矫正年龄1岁时,以头围、身高、体重作为评判指标,将生长指标≤P10(生长曲线第10百分位)定义为宫外生长发育迟缓,分别记录其发生率;应用贝利婴幼儿发展量表评估其智力发展指数与运动发展指数。结果本组病例中无退出病例,最短的喂养时间为4个月即转换奶粉,最长的喂养时间是12个月才转换奶粉,大部分为喂养7~11个月即转换奶粉,其中以喂养10月转换奶粉者为最多,为32例。矫正年龄1岁时以头围、身高、体重作为评判指标,宫外生长发育迟缓分别为3%、2%、2%,智力发展指数平均为(92.26±9.84),运动发展指数为(90.04±8.84)。结论早产儿出院后配方奶对具有营养不良高危因素的早产儿出院后喂养的效果较好,大部分喂养7~11个月即能够帮助其实现追赶性生长,矫正年龄1岁体格发育与神经系统发育大致正常。 Objective To observe the effects of formula milk in preterm infants discharged from hospital on preterm infants with high risk of malnutrition. Methods A prospective study was conducted to compare the Chinese children’s growth standards in nine provinces and cities in 2005. 100 preterm infants with high risk factors for malnutrition were discharged from the hospital after discharge. The preterm infants were fed with formula milk and the growth and development were tested regularly. When the growth parameters (Head circumference, height, weight) reached the equivalent of the 25th percentile of the growth curve of the month, that is, converted infant formula or breast milk to explore the feeding time. Correction of age 1 year old, head circumference, height, weight as a judge, the growth index ≤ P10 (growth curve 10th percentile) is defined as extrauterine growth retardation, were recorded incidence; application of Bailey infants Development Scale to assess its intellectual development index and sports development index. Results The patients did not exit the case, the shortest feeding time is 4 months that the conversion of milk powder, the longest feeding time is 12 months before the conversion of milk powder, most of the feeding 7 to 11 months that the conversion of milk powder, of which feeding Converted in October were up to 32 cases. The head circumference, height and weight were taken as the evaluation indexes when the correctional age was 1 year old. The growth retardation rate of extrauterine growth was 3%, 2% and 2% respectively. The mean value of mental development index was (92.26 ± 9.84) and the index of motor development was (90.04 ± 8.84). Conclusion Preterm discharge of formula milk in preterm infants with high risk factors for malnutrition is better after discharge from the hospital, most of the feeding 7 to 11 months to help achieve its catch-up growth, correction of age 1 year of physical development and the nervous system Development is generally normal.
目的 探讨外科护理风险管理的措施及方法;方法对外科护理风险因素进行分析、评估;结果归纳外科护理风险因素主要有导管多,输液量大,静脉留置针的广泛应用,病情观察有一定难度
目的 讨论下腔静脉及其分支疾病超声诊断.方法 根据超声检查结果进行诊断.结论 凡表现为两下肢静脉功能不全和胸、腹壁广泛性浅静脉曲张的病人,均应考虑到下腔静脉综合征的可
目的 探究76例产妇产后出血的护理对策及体会.方法 给予产后观察、子宫收缩乏力性产后出血护理、软产道裂伤护理、胎盘因素护理、产后24h内的临床护理、产后24h后的临床护理
目的 总结颅脑外伤患者的气管切开的护理经验,提高我医院神经外科的护理质量.方法 给于颅脑外伤138例患者的呼吸道护理有基础护理:包括一般护理和口腔护理;气道护理:包括湿化
目的 讨论溃疡性结肠炎患者内科护理.方法 配合内科治疗进行护理.结论 指导病人和家属做好肛门及周围皮肤的护理.注意观察粪便的量、性状、排便次数并做好记录.由于服用柳氮
目的 探讨助产士常见职业相关危险因素及防护措施,降低助产士的职业风险.方法 分析助产士可能接触的职业危害和相关防护措施.结果 助产士职业危险因素来自多方面,包括生物因
目的 探讨PFNA内固定治疗股骨近端骨折的手术方法及疗效.方法 采用透视下骨折闭合复位PFNA内固定手术治疗股骨近端骨折.结果 68例患者均复位满意,固定牢靠,经12~24个月随访,根