Intelligent Scheduling Controller Design for Networked Control Systems Based on Estimation of Distri

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaixinlfy
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The use of communication networks in control loops has gained increasing attention in recent years due to its advantages and flexible applications. The network quality-of-service (QoS) in those so-called networked control systems always fluctuates due to changes of the traffic load and available network resources. This paper presents an intelligent scheduling controller design approach for a class of NCSs to handle network QoS variations. The sampling period and control parameters in the controller are simultane-ously scheduled to compensate for the network QoS variations. The estimation of distribution algorithm is used to optimize the sampling period and control parameters for better performance. Compared with exist-ing networked control methods,the controller has better ability to compensate for the network QoS varia-tions and to balance network loads. Simulation results show that the plant setting time with the intelligent scheduling controller is reduced by about 64.0% for the medium network load and 49.1% for high network load and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The use of communication networks in control loops has gained increasing in recent years due to its advantages and flexible applications. The network quality-of-service (QoS) in which so-called networked control systems always fluctuates due to changes of the traffic load This paper presents an intelligent scheduling controller design approach for a class of NCSs to handle network QoS variations. The sampling period and control parameters in the controller are simultane-ously scheduled to compensate for the network QoS variations. Compared with existing-ing networked control methods, the controller has better ability to compensate for the network QoS varia- tions and to balance network loads. Simulation results show that the plant setting time with the intelligent scheduling controller is reduced by about 64.0% for the med ium network load and 49.1% for high network load and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
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