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访谈导索对于北京而言“现代”的出现是对一个历史的终结。北京说,国际汽车发展的经验一再证明,没有轿车的汽车企业根本无法独立生存。北汽福田的尴尬境况就是明证。不产轿车的北京于是就有足够的理由迎娶“现代”了。事实上,韩国汽车厂商进军中国市场已经有10年历程,但每次都因临门一脚欠佳而功亏一篑。早在1992年,现代汽车就已在总部设立了促进中国业务的部门,但仍然在1994年广州标致“改嫁”,与本田、欧宝争夺中失之交臂。如今,历经十载沉浮后的现代汽车,终于通过和北汽的联姻而一酬壮志。对于同样志在一搏的北京来说,甲方乙方接下去要演绎的到底是刻舟求剑,还是皆大欢喜呢? Interviewing Introduction For Beijing, the emergence of “modernity” is the end of a history. Beijing said the experience of international automobile development has repeatedly proved that car companies without cars simply can not survive independently. Foton's embarrassing situation is proof. Beijing, which does not produce cars, has enough reason to marry “modern.” In fact, South Korean automakers have been in the Chinese market for 10 years, but every time they get out of their way, they fall short of success. As early as 1992, Hyundai Motor Corporation had set up its headquarters in China to promote the business sector, but still in 1994 Peugeot “remarried” in Guangzhou, lost competition with Honda and Opel. Now, after ten ups and downs of the modern car, and finally through the marriage of Beiqi and rewarding. For the same blogging in Beijing, Party B followed by the interpretation of what it is carved for the sword, or are happy?
美国一家联邦破产法院法官周一准许破产的US Airways Group Inc.紧急融资7500万美元,以重组财务并维持营运到9月份。 US Airways Group Inc., a federal bankruptcy court j
In the design of new constellation configurations or research of existing constellation performance,the connectivity and robustness of inter-satellite links (IS
新华网消息1月30日上午,武警交通部队一支队最后一批机械化车辆缓缓驶离西藏羊八井。至此,西藏第一条高等级公路——青藏公路羊八井至拉萨段改建工程全面通车。 Xinhua New
从 2 0 0 1年 12月 2 6日召开的全省计划会议上获悉 ,随着江苏省城市化进程的加快 ,该省的交通发展重点已转向城市交通 ,而大城市、特大城市的交通发展重点将向轨道交通转移
检点岁月,我们曾流下多少汗水和泪水回望征程,我们有太多的期待与理想青春不老,信念依旧和着新世纪的节拍 Checkpoint years, we have shed a lot of sweat and tears looki
到2008年,北京将新增城市轨道交通线路156.7 km,总里程达到251.7 km,加上昌平、良乡、顺义三条城郊线路,本市轨道交通运营总里程将超过300 krn。这些项目总投资638亿元,平均