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垂直传播即母婴传播,是指母亲所患的疾病或所带的病原因子直接传播给婴儿。妊娠期急性或慢性乙型肝炎(以下简称乙肝)或无症状的带病毒母亲,可通过垂直传播而使新生儿传染上乙型肝炎病毒(以下简称HBV)。垂直传播是乙肝的重要传播途径之一,它不仅传播率高,而且还涉及到子宫内传播所引起的免疫耐受性问题,甚至其子女终生携带病毒。新生儿感染HBV后约90%成为乙肝病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)慢性携带者,其中少数可发能为慢性活动性肝炎、肝硬化,甚至原发性肝细胞癌。乙肝垂直传播的途径一、子宫内传播:主要通过胎盘传播,依据为:1.HBsAg阳性孕妇的婴儿脐血HBsAg约半数为阳性,即使脐血HBsAg阴性的婴儿于生后120天内也有部分出现HBsAg阳性,其潜伏期与乙肝相符;若母血HBeAg阳性,表示病情处于感染状态,新生儿几乎100%HBsAg阳性。2.放射免疫法在羊水中可检出HBsAg。3.经剖宫产孕妇的新生儿HBsAg阳性,有的抗原阳性的孕妇临产时已转阴,但新生儿仍为阳性。 Vertical transmission is mother-to-child transmission, refers to the mother’s disease or the pathogenic factor transmitted directly to the baby. During pregnancy, acute or chronic hepatitis B (hereinafter referred to as hepatitis B) or asymptomatic mother with the virus, can be transmitted by vertical transmission of newborns with hepatitis B virus (hereinafter referred to as HBV). Vertical transmission is one of the important transmission routes of hepatitis B, which not only has high transmission rate, but also involves immunological tolerance caused by intrauterine transmission and even its children carry virus for life. Approximately 90% of newborns become infected with HBV after chronic hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg), of which a few can be made for chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Pathways of vertical transmission of hepatitis B First, intrauterine transmission: the main transmission through the placenta, based on: 1. HBsAg-positive pregnant women about half of cord blood HBsAg positive, even if the cord blood HBsAg-negative infants within 120 days after birth, there are some HBsAg Positive, its incubation period consistent with hepatitis B; if maternal blood HBeAg positive, said the condition is infected, almost 100% of newborns HBsAg positive. 2. Radioimmunoassay in amniotic fluid detectable HBsAg. 3. Cesarean pregnant women HBsAg-positive mothers, some antigen-positive pregnant women had a negative pregnancy, but the newborn is still positive.
A multi-casing structure in drilling engineering can be considered as an inhomogeneous body consisting of many different materials. The mechanical behavior of t