北仑区 探索综合行政执法体制改革成效明显

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北仑区按照“依法有序、规范专业、全城覆盖、相对集中、双重管理、属地为主”的工作思路,加快推进行政执法综合改革,成为全省唯一在全域范围开展城市管理综合行政执法试点的(县)、市区。改革试点两年多以来,逐步建立了运转高效、行为规范、管理科学、保障有力的行政执法管理体制,执法缺位、越位、错位等难题得到破解,社会治理效能大幅提升。近三年来,局年均处理案件12180起,比改革前增加了71%,案件数总量大幅上升。基层执法力量进一步得到充实,执法压力有所减轻。其中针对电捕鱼、住宅内违规装修等现象作出的行政处罚,更是填补了此类执法空白。2015年5月荣获浙江省公共管理十大创新奖。 Beilun District in accordance with “in accordance with the law, orderly, standardized professional, whole city coverage, relative concentration, dual management, is the main ground ” work train of thought, accelerate the comprehensive reform of administrative law enforcement, becoming the province’s only in the city to carry out comprehensive management of urban administration Law enforcement pilot (county), urban area. Over more than two years of reform, the administrative law enforcement system with high efficiency, code of conduct, management science and strong support has been gradually established. The problems of lack of law enforcement, offside and dislocation have been solved and the effectiveness of social governance has been greatly enhanced. In the past three years, the bureau handled 12180 cases each year, an increase of 71% over the pre-reform period, and the total number of cases has risen sharply. The grass-roots law enforcement forces have been further substantiated, reducing the pressure on law enforcement. Among them, the administrative penalties imposed on such phenomena as electric fishing and unauthorized decoration in residential areas have filled in the blank of such law enforcement. In May 2015, it won ten innovation awards of public administration in Zhejiang Province.
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