
来源 :中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:godmouse
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目的:探讨溪黄草黄酮抗创伤后应激性障碍( PTSD)的行为药效。方法60只ICR小鼠随机均分为6组:10只为正常对照组;50只5 min内给予15次间断的不可逃避的足底电击(0.8 mA,持续10 s,间隔10 s),连续2 d建模,然后均分为模型组,阳性对照药舍曲林组和3个溪黄草黄酮给药组(9 mg/kg p.o.,18mg/kg p.o.和36 mg/kg p.o.)。造模后的第3 d、8 d、15 d,给药前1 h,不给予任何刺激进行环境重现,检测5 min内的僵住时间;进行开场试验检测小鼠的自发活动;高架十字迷宫试验进入开放臂和封闭臂总次数反映动物运动能力;检测小鼠的爬梯级数。结果溪黄草黄酮给药不影响电击小鼠的体重变化。溪黄草黄酮(18mg/kg p.o.,36 mg/kg p.o.)显著逆转电击小鼠僵住时间百分比的增加(环境重现试验显示),逆转电击小鼠进入开臂次数的减少和停留开臂时间的缩短(高架十字迷宫试验);逆转电击小鼠抬头次数的增多(爬梯试验)。开场试验结果显示溪黄草黄酮不影响电击小鼠跨格数,站立次数和排便颗粒数。结论溪黄草黄酮显著逆转PTSD所致的行为障碍。“,”Objective To investigate the effects of total flavonoids from Rabdosia serra in improving the behaviors after post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) . Methods Sixty ICR mice were randomly divided into 6 equal groups. Ten were used as normal control group. The other 50 mice underwent 15 short inescapable electric footshocks with the intensity of 0.8 mA, interval of 10 s, and duration of 10 s within 15 minutes every day for 2 days and then were divided into 5 equal groups:model group, sertraline group given sertraline 15 mg/kg p.o. Qd, and 3 flavonoids from Rabdosia serra groups given flavonoids from Rabdosia serra with the doses 9 mg/kg p.o., 18 mg/kg p.o. and 36 mg/kg p.o. respectvely. 3, 8, and 15 days after the model building the mice underwent, 1h before drug administration, situational reminders (Srs) test to observe the freezing time, open field (OF) test to observe their spontaneous activity, elevated plus-maze (EPM) test tro observe their , motor ability and staircase test (ST) to observe their PTSD behaviors . Results The flavonoids from Rabdosia serra at the doses 18 and 36 mg/kg significantly reverses the increase of the percentage of freezing time (Srs test), reverses the reduction of times to enter the open arms and stay there (EPM test), reversed the increase of times to raise their heads (ST). OF test showed that flavonoids did not influence the number of crossing lattice, time to stand up, and number of fecal pellets. However, the spontaneous locomotor activity and body weights were not affected by total flavonoids from Rabdosia serra. Conclusion Total flavonoids from Rabdosia serra improves the behavioral deficits caused by PTSD.
1 国家人类遗传资源中心建设项目成功立项rn人类遗传资源是国家重要的战略资源,是人类生命科学领域原始创新和高新技术产业发展的战略性、基础性资源,也是保障人口健康、维护
目的:探讨高血管外肺水(EVLW)持续时间对脓毒性休克患者预后判断的价值。方法收集2008年6月~2014年6月入住海南省农垦总医院ICU 55例脓毒性休克患者的高EVLW持续时间、急性生理