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五年一届的全国美展作为中国国内最大规模的品牌展览,无疑得到了整个美术界的关注,随时代前进而发展的全国美展自身也每每面临着其前所未有的问题、机会甚至是挑战。因此,纵观历届全国美展中各种为适应新形势、新变化而做出的调整和完善,我们会发现,在与时代同行的步伐中,全国美展正发生着这样或那样的变化。从第五届全国美展举行之际,艺术家们以其对“真”的追求回应国家“拨乱反正”的文艺基本思路,第六届全国美展频频关注新农村和农民新貌的塑造,到举行于美术界的新潮集体谢幕之际的第七届全国美展上显示出的前所未有的作品形式多元化的格局,关于以《玫瑰色的回忆》为代表的大批作品评奖问题的争论,又体现出了这一特定的历史时期的独特的社会形态。加之后来举办于社会转型加剧之时的第八届全国美展、经济高速发展时期的第九届全国美展,乃至在对主旋律的宽泛理解已成为绝对主流的历史境域中,作品艺术技巧争奇斗艳的第十届全国美展,无不清晰地看到全国美展紧紧地与时代同行。本刊就此特邀请相关专家就一些相对于“国、油、版、雕”而言不是那么“热门”的艺术门类在全国美展中的发展以及在新一届全国美展中的表现展开讨论,也许正是这些不那么“热门”的艺术门类的发展,恰恰从一个侧面体现了当代美术的多元发展和百花齐放。 As the largest brand exhibition in China, the five-year National Art Exhibition undoubtedly has drawn the attention of the whole art world. The National Art Exhibition which progressed with the times has always faced with its unprecedented problems, opportunities and even challenges. Therefore, looking at all the various previous national art exhibitions to adapt to the new situation and new changes made to adjust and improve, we will find that in the pace of walking with the times, the national art exhibition is undergoing one or the other changes. From the fifth national art exhibition held in the occasion, the artists respond to the basic idea of ​​the literary movement of the state “chaos and chaos anyway” with their pursuit of “True ”, the Sixth National Art Exhibition has paid close attention to shaping the new rural areas and peasants new appearance, At the Seventh National Art Exhibition, held at the hippest collective curtain of the fine arts world, the unprecedented pattern of diversified forms of works displayed. The controversy over the awarding of large numbers of works represented by “rosy memories” is also reflected Out of this particular historical period of the unique social form. In addition, the Eighth National Art Exhibition, the Ninth National Art Exhibition in the period of rapid economic development, and even the broad understanding of the main melody have become the eighth national art exhibition at the time of the intensifying social transformation. In the historical realm of absolute mainstreamness, At the National Art Exhibition, it is clear that all the national art shows are closely accompanying the times. In this connection, we invited experts to give some advice on the development of the art category in the national art exhibition and its performance in the new national art exhibition in relation to the “hot,” “country, oil, edition, and sculpture” To start the discussion, perhaps it is these less popular “hot ” art category development, precisely from a side reflects the diverse development of contemporary art and flourishing.
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