记一次最感兴趣的参观、游览 ——六年制小学语文课本第九册基础训练1

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作文指导题目精析:本次作文有以下几点要求:1.记一次你最感兴趣的参观、游览,并把你印象最深刻的景点的特点写出来;2.写时要做到有一定顺序,内容具体;3.题目自拟,写完后进行认真的修改。重点指导:本次作文没有限制参观、游览的时间,也就是说,不管你是什么时候参观、游览过的,只要是你最感兴趣的一次,就可以写。参观、游览都有一定的线路,同学们可以以线路为顺序,把游踪逐一写出来。你就像一名导游,把景点介绍给读者。难点点化:在一次参观、游览中,同学们观赏到的景点很多,在一篇几百字的文章中,不可能、也不必要把每一处景点都一一具体地介绍给读者。因此,本次作文要求把你印象最深的一处景点介绍出来就行了,其他景点只要简单介绍或一笔带过即可。要把景物的特点写出来,必须抓住景物的位置、形状、颜色、数量、姿态等来写。同学们可以回顾一下本单元的《小站》、《卢沟桥的狮子》两篇课文中描写景物的方法。 Composition guidance Subject analysis: The composition has the following requirements: 1. Remember once you are most interested in visiting, excursions, and write the characteristics of the most impressive spots of your writing; 2 write to do something Order, specific content; 3. Self-made, after the completion of serious changes. Important guidance: This essay does not limit the time of visit and visit, that is to say, no matter when you visit or visit, as long as you are most interested in once, you can write. Visits, tours have a certain line, students can line the order, the one by one to write out the traces. You are like a tour guide, the attractions introduced to the reader. Difficult points: In a visit, excursions, students have a lot of attractions to watch, in a few hundred words of the article, it is impossible, it is not necessary to have every one of the spots are specifically introduced to the reader. Therefore, this essay requires you to introduce one of your most impressed spots on the list, and other attractions as long as a brief introduction or a passing. To write the characteristics of the scene, we must grasp the location of the scene, shape, color, quantity, attitude, etc. to write. Students can review the ways of describing the scenery in two texts, “Little Stations” and “Lions of Marco Polo Bridge” in this module.
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