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1968年12月出生,教授级高级工程师。1991年沈阳农业大学农业机械化专业毕业,同年分配到辽宁省农业机械化研究所。现任辽宁省农业机械化研究所副所长、《农业科技与装备》杂志社社长、辽宁省农业产业化协会副秘书长。长期从事农机科研和技术推广工作,在保护性耕作、节水灌溉与旱作农业机械化生产技术方面具有技术优势。参加农业部“948”、科技部、省科技厅、省农业科技开发项目5项,横向联合项目3项。作为主要完成人获辽宁省科学进步二等奖1项,辽宁农业科技贡献奖3项。沈阳市科技进步 Born in December 1968, a professor-level senior engineer. In 1991 Shenyang Agricultural University graduated from the Agricultural Mechanization, the same year assigned to Liaoning Province Institute of Agricultural Mechanization. He is currently Deputy Director of Liaoning Provincial Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, President of Agricultural Science and Technology and Equipment Magazine, and Deputy Secretary General of Liaoning Agricultural Industrialization Association. Has long been engaged in agricultural research and technology promotion, conservation tillage, water-saving irrigation and dry farming mechanization production technology has technical advantages. Participated in the Ministry of Agriculture “948 ”, Ministry of Science and Technology, Provincial Science and Technology Department, provincial agricultural science and technology development project 5, horizontal joint project 3. As one of the main completers, Liaoning Province won the second prize of scientific progress and the third prize of contribution of Liaoning agricultural science and technology. Shenyang City, scientific and technological progress