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基于国家相关政策对服务外包产业的定义及分类,采用核心密度估计等空间分析方法,结合实地调研,探讨了长三角地区近年服务外包产业的发展格局和演化历程。结果发现:1长三角地区的服务外包产业的总体格局为以上海为龙头,沿“宁—沪—杭—甬”一线发展。2不同类型的服务外包产业空间布局特征并不一致,总结为示范型、均衡型和特色型三类。3从演化过程看,2000年以前,外包企业主要集聚在上海;2005年前后,示范城市开始成为集聚中心;如今,非示范城市的外包产业亦发展迅速。4长三角地区服务外包技术水平不断提升,2005年以前,ITO占比高达60%以上,近年来,ITO比例有所下降,BPO和KPO的占比显著上升,现已接近50%,表明长三角地区服务外包正逐步向中高端方向发展。此外,长三角内部服务外包初步形成了一定地域分工,示范城市内高端知识密集型服务外包比例不断上升,非示范城市目前仍以较低端的ITO为主。 Based on the definition and classification of service outsourcing industry based on relevant state policies, spatial analysis methods such as core density estimation are used to investigate the development pattern and evolution of service outsourcing industry in Yangtze River Delta in recent years. The results show that: 1 The overall pattern of the service outsourcing industry in the Yangtze River Delta region is based on Shanghai as the first line, along the “Ning - Shanghai - Hangzhou - Ningbo” line. 2 Different types of service outsourcing industry spatial distribution characteristics are not consistent, concluded as a model, balanced and featured three types. 3 From an evolutionary perspective, outsourcing enterprises were mainly concentrated in Shanghai before 2000; and demonstration cities began to become centers of concentration around 2005; and nowadays, the outsourcing industry in non-demonstration cities has also developed rapidly. 4 The technology level of service outsourcing in the Yangtze River Delta is continuously improving. Before 2005, the proportion of ITO was as high as 60% or above. In recent years, the proportion of ITO has dropped while the proportion of BPO and KPO has risen sharply. Now it is close to 50% Regional service outsourcing is gradually developing in the direction of high-end. In addition, the internal service outsourcing in the Yangtze River Delta initially formed a certain geographical division of labor. The proportion of high-end knowledge-intensive service outsourcing in the model cities continued to rise. Non-model cities are still dominated by lower-end ITO.