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林辉(笔名“半村”)是著名的火花收藏家,在集花界享有盛誉。他早年任职于广州石化总厂教育中心,后工作于该厂修志办公室,爱好文学,勤予笔耕,是出色的业余作家,著述颇半;系广东省作家协会会员、广州市作家协会理事,也是火花界“四大才子”之一。他还酷爱收藏,尤其是火花收藏,自建“林辉花屋”,驰名遐迩。他的收藏特点,除追求藏品的精、丰之外,更潜心于对藏品的研究,硕果累累。他的著述中,有很多是关于火花收藏研究方面的,它们被辑入《半村收藏谈》、《半村文选——与火柴盒贴画相关的研究》和《半村摭言》等书中。他的关于“收藏家的标准”和大力倡导开展“收藏研究”的文章,针砭时弊,笔锋犀利,立论正确,观点较新,在集花界产生了深远的影响,对规范火花收藏、提高收藏水平起到了较大的促进作用。他还耗费了数年心血,不辞辛劳地从各种报刊中搜集整理出数百首有关火花的诗词作品,汇编成《火花诗词选》(已出版3辑),供花友们阅读欣赏。他在火花界交往甚广,挚友无数,其真诚、纯朴的品德和认真做学问的心态,深受友人们赞赏和钦佩,奉为楷模。《半村书简》一书辑录了近几年他与众多同好探讨火花收藏理论与实践的足迹,而《半村印象》、《半村素描》这两本书则反映众多花友们对他的收藏研究的首肯和对其为人的评颂。 Lin Hui (pen name “half village”) is a famous spark collector, renowned in the flower community. He worked early in Guangzhou Petrochemical Plant Education Center, after working in the factory Chi Chi office, hobbies literature, diligent writing, is a good amateur writer, writings quite half; Department of Guangdong Writers Association, Guangzhou City Writers Association, also Sparks “one of the four gifted”. He also love collection, especially the spark collection, self-built “Lin Hui Flower House”, well-known far and near. His collection characteristics, in addition to the pursuit of collection of fine, abundance, more concentrated on the research of the collection, fruitful. Many of his writings are about spark collection research, and they are included in the book Collection of the Half-village, Selected Works of the Village, Studies Related to Matchbox Paintings, and The Village Mantra. His articles on “collectors” and his articles on “collecting research” are of great importance. He has pointed out the shortcomings and sharp points of his speech, and he made correct comments and new views. This has had a profound impact on the flower market, The level played a greater role in promoting. He also spent years trying hard to collect from hundreds of newspapers and magazines collected hundreds of sparks poetry works, compiled into “spark poetry” (has published 3), for the buddies to read and enjoy. He has a great deal in sparks, friends and innumerable, his sincere, simple character and conscientious attitude of learning, by friends praise and admiration, as a role model. The book of semi-village books and journals has recorded the footsteps of his study on the theory and practice of spark collections in the recent years. The two books, Impression of the Semi-village and Sketch of the Half-village, Acknowledgment and commendation of its people.
一、政企职责分开,政府管工业全局,企业自主经营 长期以来,国家通过各级政府的管理机构直接经营企业,使企业变成了政府管理部门的生产服务机构。凡是企业要做的事情,政府机