有位哲人说,一部人类用火史,就是一部人类世界发展史。当举世喜贺电影华诞100年时,中国电影也同时在庆贺自己的90岁生日。喜庆之余,人们不禁要问:在世界电影发展史上,中国电影的起步,最初只不过才晚了那么10年的时间。那为何中国电影前45年成就平平;后45年传世佳作寥若晨星呢?重读历史,其中一个重要的原因令人不容置疑:那就是电影在妊娠时得福于火,中国“皮影”的基因遗传给了电影;电影诞生后遇祸于火,中国的电影受重创伤了元气。 俗话说,人要识相,打铁还要看火侯。在声声祝福的激情过后,我们在把鲜花珍藏于心中的同时,能不能再冷静地换个角度,耐着性子地循着历史的轨迹,谈一谈“电影与火”呢?
A philosopher said that a history of human use of fire is a history of the development of the human world. When the world-like hi congratulations on the 100th birthday of the film, the Chinese film also celebrates its 90th birthday at the same time. During the festivities, one can not but ask: In the history of world movie development, the initial start of Chinese film was only ten years later than it was. One of the most important reasons for this is the undeniable fact that the movie was blessed with fire during pregnancy and that the genetics of China’s “shadow puppet” The movie; after the birth of the movie in fire, China’s film was traumatized strength. As the saying goes, people want to know the phase, blacksmith also depends on the fire Hou. After the blessing of passion, we can save the flowers hidden in the heart, can we calmly change our perspective, patience to follow the path of history, talk about “movie and fire”?