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本学习指南复习题系美国无损检测学会(ASNT)提供的RTⅢ级投考用指南。内容涉及到作为Ⅲ级技术资格必须具备的基本知识和评判能力的考查,包括射线照相物理基础、射线安全和监测、探伤室设计、应用技术和工艺、射线装置特性和操作原理,以及无损检测结果评定和标准法规的解释等。借助于学习指南所提供的正文概要和参考文献,Ⅲ级投考者应能按在Ⅲ级基本要求正确答题、求解和评释结果。按ASNT—TC—IA 1992版要求,所有NDTⅢ级人员均须经考试合格发证(以前是由雇主任命)。从ASNT提供的八章共112道复习题可见,美国对RT高级人员有关射线防护方面知识要求较高;在应用技术方面,则侧重于有关非常规法的知识考核。这些复习题不仅有助于ASME考试准备,而且对国内无损检测学会及劳动部Ⅲ级人员考试命题也有一定启迪。 This study guide review questions are RTⅢ-level test guides provided by the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). It covers the basic knowledge and judgment necessary for the qualification of Class III technology, including the physical basis of radiography, the safety and monitoring of radiography, the design of testing rooms, the applied technologies and techniques, the characteristics and operational principles of radiographic equipment and the results of non-destructive testing Assessment and interpretation of standards and regulations. With the help of the summary and references provided by the study guides, level III applicants should be able to answer the questions correctly at the level III basic requirements, solving and commenting on the results. According to the requirements of ASNT-TC-IA 1992 edition, all NDT Level III personnel must pass the examinations certification (previously appointed by the employer). As can be seen from the 112 review questions provided by ASNT in Chapter 8, the United States has a high knowledge of RT radiation protection requirements in the United States and knowledge of unconventional law in applied technologies. These review questions not only contribute to the ASME exam preparation, but also to the National Institute of Nondestructive Testing and Ministry of Labor Ⅲ grade examination questions also have some inspiration.
小鬼进了军营, 看什么都新鲜,看完内务,看战车,这次还要看飞机,瞧把咱们乐的嘴都合不上了,这回咱也过一把飞行员的瘾。入秋的空气凉丝丝的,我们要去看飞机了! 老天爷不给面子
暑假快结束的时候,几个好朋友又相约聚到一起,对各自的暑假收获进行了一个小的总结。哆拉 A 梦:这个暑假大家知道了很多奇怪的树木,现在就来说说你们对树木新的认识吧! At t