
来源 :诊断病理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SURE181709394
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患者男 ,6 2岁。上腹部包块半年余。查体 :消瘦貌 ,全身未触及肿大的浅表淋巴结。心肺听诊无明显异常。左侧腹部略隆起并触及包块。B超示 :脾明显增大 ,表面欠光滑。脾内见大小不等的中底回声团块影 ,3~ 5cm。轮廓清晰 ,边缘不整。临床初诊 :脾占位。行肿物切除术。病理检 Male patient, 62 years old. Upper abdominal mass more than six months. Physical examination: Obese appearance, the body did not touch the enlarged lymph nodes. There was no obvious abnormality in cardiopulmonary auscultation. The left abdomen slightly raised and touched the mass. B-shows: The spleen is significantly enlarged and the surface is less smooth. The size of the midsole echo block in the spleen is 3 to 5 cm. The contours are clear and the edges are not perfect. Clinical initial diagnosis: Spleen occupancy. Line tumor resection. Pathological examination
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高中数学教材中角的概念很多,并且各种角的取值范围往往不同,学生很容易混淆。而数学习题中涉及角的概念的有各种类型,例如: 1.已知:平面α∩平面β=c,a(?)α,且a上c,b(?)β
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