
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaya_tush
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在体育课中,为了更好地发挥幼儿的主动性、积极性和创造性,达到促进身心健康发展的目的,我曾在中班设计了一堂由幼儿自编游戏的体育课。我只给幼儿创设活动环境,为他们提供绳圈、响袋(在小布袋里装上几个汽水瓶盖,形同沙袋)和橡皮筋等常见器具,在孩子活动时播放音乐(模仿动作和音乐游戏的旋律),对玩法则不作硬性规定。这节课共有两个部分。第一部分是幼儿的分散活动。幼儿做完准备活动绳操以后,我对他们说:“现在大家去玩绳圈,看谁玩的方法最多。”在音乐的旋律中,全班幼儿高兴地玩起绳圈,并出现了各种各样的玩法。几分钟后,我再分给幼儿每人一个响袋,让他们随意选择玩绳圈、响袋,或两种器材同时玩。结果,孩子们不但玩了抛接袋、顶袋走、夹袋跳等游戏,而且出现了响袋投圈、圈套响袋等综合游戏。紧接着,我又将一条橡皮筋平拉,将其两端拴至一人多高处,另一条橡皮筋的两端低拉拴在两把小椅子上。幼儿立即又投入了新的游戏:把响袋、绳圈向高拉的橡皮筋上扔过去扔过来;将响袋顶在头上,手摇绳圈,在低拉的橡皮筋上“走钢丝”等。幼儿活动时,我及时表扬玩法新 In the PE class, in order to give full play to the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of young children, and achieve the purpose of promoting the healthy development of mind and body, I have designed a physical education lesson for children in the class. I only create activity environment for toddlers and provide them with common tools such as loop rings, ring bags (soda bottle caps in the sacks, the same sandbags) and rubber bands to play music while children are active Music game melody), the rules of play do not make hard rules. This lesson has two parts. The first part is the decentralization of young children. After the toddlers finished their preparatory activities, I said to them: “Now everyone is going to play the rope loop to see who plays the most.” In the melody of the music, the whole class was happy to play the loop and appeared A variety of gameplay. After a few minutes, I give another one to each child ring, let them choose to play rope ring, ring bag, or two kinds of equipment at the same time play. As a result, the children not only played the game such as throwing bags, going to the top of the bag, and jumping in the baggy bags, but also had a comprehensive game such as ring bag ringing and snare ringing. Then, I again pull a rubber band flat, the two ends of the tie to the height of more than one person, the other end of the lower rubber band tied to two small chairs. Toddlers immediately put in a new game: the ring bag, rope ring to the high pull rubber band thrown over the throw; will ring the top of the bag, hand rope, pull the rubber band in the low “tightrope” Wait. When I was young, I promptly commented on the new gameplay
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