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岩矿分析标准样品(简称标样)的研制,在国际上已有三十年了,它是岩矿测试中极为活跃的研究领域之一,又是我国岩矿测试工作的薄弱环节.建立和制备我国自己的标样既是当前岩矿测试工作实际的需要,又是加快我国测试工作前进的步伐、实现测试技术现代化的需要.为此由西安地质矿产研究所等十七个单位,经过四年的努力于1979年提交了两个铬铁矿DZCr-1(1750公斤)、DZCr-2(1520公斤),两个超基性岩DZ∑-1(960公斤)、DZΣ-2(1535公斤)共四个标样,每个标样提供24个组分的标准值.经鉴定会议鉴定认为:“地质部首次制备的标样,体现了我们国家岩石、矿物测试的技术水平,达到了国内外同类标准样品的先进水平”.现已定为部颁标准公开发行.关于标准样品及其在分析测试中的作用,已有专文介绍.现将四个标样的加工制备及均匀度检查作一简介. It has been 30 years since its establishment in the world, and it is one of the most active research fields in rock and mine testing and the weakest link in rock and mine testing in China. The preparation of our own standard samples is not only the actual needs of the current rock and mineral testing work, but also to speed up the pace of testing work in our country, to achieve the needs of the modernization of testing technology.To this end by the Xi’an Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources and other seventeen units, after four years Two diorites, DZCr-1 (1750 kg), DZCr-2 (1520 kg), two ultrabasic rocks DZΣ-1 (960 kg) and DZΣ-2 A total of four standard samples, each standard provides 24 components of the standard value.According to the appraisal meeting that: “The first prepared by the Ministry of Geology standard samples, reflecting our country rock, mineral testing technology to domestic Advanced standards of foreign standard samples ”.Now has been set for the ministerial standard public offering .About the standard samples and their role in the analysis and testing, has been an article introduction. Now four standard sample preparation and uniformity inspection Make an introduction.
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据“EI中国”公布的数据显示,本刊2017年第36卷第5期发表论文23篇,被EI COMPENDEX收录论文23篇,收录率为100%。 According to the data released by EI China, 23 papers pu
本文根据北京地震台网的人工爆破资料,由莫霍界面的首波 P_n 的走时数据,经过松散层校正和高程校正后,采用改进的时间项法计算测点(台站和炮点)的时间项 t 和 V_(pn),最后引