On the Chinese People's Aesthetics

来源 :China & the World Cultural Exchange | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l1otus
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Appreciation of art is not a birthright. In the prehistoric primitive society, the ancestors of the Chinese people rooted in the harsh natural environment of the Yellow River Basin and began forging their own solid characteristics as the loess and rock. Our ancestors survived in the harsh natural conditions. Pressure of keeping alive deprived of their original romantic, despite that Neolithic primitive rock art, pottery painting Appreciation of art is not a birthright. In the prehistoric primitive society, the ancestors of the Chinese people rooted in the harsh natural environment of the Yellow River Basin and began forging their own solid characteristics as the loess and rock. Our ancestors survived in the harsh natural conditions. Pressure of keep alive deprived of their original romantic, despite that Neolithic primitive rock art, pottery painting
随着我校改革的深入发展 ,根据实际需要 ,学校不断完善机构设置 ,在我校学报、校报全国公开发行的基础上 ,经校党委研究决定 ,我校学报、校报编辑部从宣传部分离出来 ,独立建
人生学是人类认识人生的理论升华,也是人类改造人生方式方法经验的结晶,它为人生实践提供科学的理论指导。   人类社会发展到今天,进入了新的变革时期。世界经济全球化把一切
20世纪70年代末至80年代初期 ,继停刊12年之久的《中国林业》复刊之后 ,前后不到10年 ,全国共恢复或创办了23家林业机关刊物。这些刊物为宣传党和国家的林业方针、政策 ,宣传林业的三大效
1 《内蒙古草业》期刊是以草地资源保护与开发为主要研究内容的学术刊物,热情欢迎专家、学者及草业同仁积极撰稿;凡研究简报、学术讨论、经验交流、信息传递、综合评述等均