What is Mathematics?

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In mathematics you don’t understand things.You just get used to them. ——John yon Neumann 在数学中你不必理解任何东西,你只要去习惯它们就行了。——约翰·冯·诺依曼(1903—1957,美国数学家) Mathematicians are mad tailors:they are making“all the possible clothes”hoping to make also something suitable for dressing. ——David van Dantzig 数学家是一伙发疯的裁缝,他们制造“各种可能的衣服”,并希望能造出 In mathematics you don’t understand things. You just got used to them. – John yon Neumann You don’t have to understand anything in mathematics. You just have to get used to them. —John von Neumann (1903-1957, American mathematician) Mathematicians are mad tailors: they are making “all the possible clothes”hoping to make also something suitable for dressing. —David van Dantzig mathematician is a Crazy tailors, they create “all kinds of possible clothes” and hope to create
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