基于对京津冀居民对基本社会医疗保险制度的调查,运用交叉列联表、集中指数和卡瓦尼指数等方法从参保机会公平性、卫生筹资公平性、卫生资源公平性三个方面进行分析,本文针对性提出统筹城乡基本医保,打破二元三维分立,给居民以选择不同医保的自由权,满足不同人群对医保的需求,使医保向更公平的方向发展的可操作性建议。“,”To explore the equity of the basic medical insurance system in Jing-Jin-Ji, China, through the perspective of equality of medical insurance opportunities, equality of medical services, and fairness in medical insurance financing. Survey methods included questionnaire interviews and in-depth interviews. Multi-stage stratified random sampling methods were used to sample. Concentration Index, Gini Coefficient, and Kakwani Index were used to analyze the data collected in 2015. To enhance the fairness equity of the medical security system, UEBMI, URBMI, and NCMS should be integrated into a unified medical insurance system with three tiers that residents can choose from freely.