社会主义企业 社会主义作风——从人民来信看天津电业职工为用户服务的革命风格

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这里是天津一些用户给天津用电管理所的部分来信。这虽然是些普普通通的信,但却是一面很好的镜子,从中可以反映出电业职工为人民服务的思想、风格。难道这些同志还有旧社会那种作风么?没有了。他们对用户满腔热忱,对工作高度负责任。不管“份内”“份外”的事,都主动地做,自觉地做。他们同用户之间已经建立起新型的关系。一位用户说得好:“在旧社会,他是卖电的,我是用电的,那只有买卖关系。哪有这种崇高的革命友谊呢?”正是这些同志树立了社会主义企业的经营思想,社会主义企业的作风,通过自己的行动,密切了党和人民群众的关系。难道抄表、收费、装表、接电等工作还是旧社会那种“营业”工作么?不是了。我们干的是社会主义建设大业,是人民的革命大业。为用户服务,就是为社会主义建设服务,为人民服务。用户来信用一件件真实的事情,生动地说明了这个真理。——编者 Here are some of the users in Tianjin, Tianjin Electric Power Management Office of the part of the letter. Although this is an ordinary letter, it is a very good mirror, reflecting the ideology and style of the electrician workers serving the people. Do these comrades still have the old society that kind of style? They are passionate about their users and highly responsible for their work. Regardless of the “share” and “share” of things, all take the initiative to do, consciously do. They have established new relationships with their users. One user put it well: “In the old society, he was selling electricity, I was using electricity, and there was only a trading relationship. What kind of noble revolutionary friendship?” It is these comrades who set up a socialist enterprise Business philosophy, the style of socialist enterprises, through their own actions, the close relationship between the party and the people. Is reading meter, charging, loading table, receiving electricity and other work is still the kind of “business” work in the old society? What we are doing is the great cause of building socialism and the people’s revolutionary cause. To serve the users is to serve the socialist construction and serve the people. Users come to believe one thing real, vividly illustrates this truth. --editor
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