
来源 :河北林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haideliliang
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9月26日至28日,第十八届中国(廊坊)农产品交易会在廊坊市召开。河北省林业厅负责组织全省优质林果参展,林业展厅亮点纷呈。展会期间,河北省林业厅举办了第二届名优果品擂台赛暨果王评选活动。经过评委会评审,最终共评选出果王39个,金奖78个,银奖105个,铜奖113个,名优产品奖40个。据了解,本次评选活动规模远超上届,参赛产品总数量比上届增加了220个,达到588个,参赛的龙头企业、合作社、家庭林(果)场数量增加了1倍,达到296家;比赛 From September 26 to 28, the 18th China (Langfang) Agricultural Products Fair was held in Langfang City. Hebei Provincial Forestry Department is responsible for organizing the province’s high-quality fruit exhibitors, forestry exhibition bright spots. During the exhibition, the Forestry Department of Hebei Province held the second prize of famous fruit contest and fruit king selection activity. After jury evaluation, the final selection of 39 king of fruit, 78 gold, 105 silver, 113 bronze, 40 famous product award. It is understood that this selection activity far exceeds the previous scale, the total number of participating products increased 220 over the previous session, reaching 588, participating leading enterprises, cooperatives, family forests (fruit) the number of fields doubled to 296 Home
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