
来源 :思想理论教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kenshingob
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邱伟光教授是我国思想政治教育学科的开创者之一,在他50多年的教育和治学生涯中,编写了多部具有开创性的思想政治教育学科教材,为思想政治教育学科的创立和发展作出了突出的贡献。他倾情于思想政治教育的学科化建设,形成了大量的研究成果,《明德——邱伟光德育文集》于2006年出版;他倾心于青年教师的培养,为他们搭建平台、指引他们成长,一批接受过他指导的教师在思想政治教育工作和学科研究上取得了不俗的成绩; Professor Qiu Weiguang is one of the pioneers of the discipline of ideological and political education in our country. During his more than 50 years of education and scholastic life, he has written many pioneering textbooks for ideological and political education and has made great contributions to the establishment and development of the discipline of ideological and political education Prominent contribution. He fell in love with the disciplinary construction of ideological and political education and formed a large number of research results. The “Moral Education Collection of Matilda - Qiu Weiguang” was published in 2006; he devoted himself to the training of young teachers and set up a platform for them to guide their growth. One The batch of teachers who received his instruction made remarkable achievements in ideological and political education and in disciplinary research.
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