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玉来是一般劳动人民主要的食粮,也是全国普遍栽培的作物,在华北区尤其普遍而重要。增产的办法,除了注意栽培技术,精耕细作,粪大水勤外;选用改良品种,确是最有效最迅速的方法。一九五○年中央农业部特制定了全国玉来改良计划,并为了配合目前群众需要,推行五年良种普及计划,同时号召各级农业组织及农民群众,大力推行玉米去雄选种法。去雄选种是以同一品种杂交为基础,结合了混合选种和人工辅助授粉的具体增产办法,是一个全面性和群众性的选种和种子改良运动,方法简便易行,而收效又极迅速,根据各地区农场试验报告和群种初步采用的普遍反映,一致都认为这种办法有加强推行的必要。最近春播玉来将要抽穗开花了,夏播麦茬玉米也要下饭了,希望各地有关农业领导组织,掌握时间,加强组织,大力宣传,能在一九五一年爱国主义的增产运动中发挥出积极的作用来。 Jade to the general working people is the main food, but also the cultivation of crops throughout the country, especially in North China is widespread and important. Production methods, in addition to pay attention to cultivation techniques, intensive farming, excrement water Qin; selection of improved varieties, is indeed the most effective and the most rapid method. In 1950, the Central Ministry of Agriculture formulated a plan to improve the country’s jade products. In order to meet the current needs of the general public, the Central Government Department of Agriculture implemented a plan to popularize five-year thoroughbreds. At the same time, it called for agricultural organizations and peasant masses at all levels to vigorously promote the selection of maize for heroes. Unselected species are based on the same variety hybrids, a combination of mixed selection and artificial pollination of the specific measures to increase production, is a comprehensive and mass selection and seed improvement exercise, the method is simple and easy, and effective and very Rapidly, according to the general reflection of the pilot reports on farm farms in various regions and the initial adoption of species groups, it was unanimously agreed that such an approach would be necessary to step up implementation. The spring sowing of jade has to be heading for flowering. The summer sowing of corn stalks will also take off. I hope all the relevant agricultural leaders and organizations will grasp the time, strengthen their organization and vigorously publicize and will play a positive role in the pro-patriotic increase of production in 1951 The role of.
目的:  人巨细胞病毒(Human cytomegalovirus,HCMV)先天感染可引起新生儿多种畸形和疾病。如黄疸性肝炎、智力低下、失明、耳聋等多器官、多系统病变。HCMV通常呈隐性感染,多
学生学习知识不是被动的灌输,而是进行自主探究学习. 随着新课程不断深入,老师要构建以学生为主体的课堂教学.小学语文阅读教学要根据学生心理特征结合教学目标,让学生进行自