小学教育是基础教育中的基础,它的管理是否规范、科学,它的教学是否严谨、实在,关系到小学以后的初中、高中、大学各个教育段的工作质量,也对人的个体成长产生巨大影响。 我们现在的小学教育有各级党委、政府的高度重视,社会各界的关心、支持,总的来讲办得不错,但是发展很不平衡。就全国而言,城镇小学办得好一点,农村小学办得差一点;在农村,中心小学办得好一点,村小尤其是偏远地方的村小就办得差一点了!这种现象严重制约着教育总体质量的
Primary education is the basis of basic education, its management is normative, scientific, its teaching is rigorous, it is related to primary and secondary schools, high school, the quality of the work of various sections of the University, but also on the huge growth of the individual influences. At present, primary education in all levels attaches great importance to the party committees and governments at various levels and the care and support of all sectors of the community are generally good. However, the development is uneven. In the country as a whole, primary and secondary schools run well in rural primary schools; in rural areas, central elementary schools run well and small villages, especially in remote areas, run a little worse. This phenomenon is severely restricted The overall quality of education