
来源 :海洋预报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chmwingflying
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本文是根据南极“八五”国家攻关课题中的“南极海冰监测和预报”的考核目标,实现为南极考察船在冰区中航行提供精确和清晰的冰图和预报。为达到此目标,首先于1992/93年第9次南极考察队在南极长城站和中山站建立了高分辨率卫星接收站,工作3年共记录了卫星资料1A磁带1000多盘约500千兆,并能现场提供卫星云图作为气象预报的重要依据。这两个站的卫星接收处理系统均是在DOS系统下的卫星小遥感系统。这些磁带带回国内后,进行处理提取海冰信息大约要1200个工作日,并且必须有配套的处理系统,即在AST386微机上配有MVP图象板和SONY监视器的系统上。但这些硬件都已淘汰,无法配置。新研制的Windows系统下的卫星接收小遥感处理系统充分体现Window系统的优点,即多任务、多窗口、自由漫游、用户界面友好等。比原系统的处理速度提高了10倍,读取和记带速度提高了5倍,图象分辨率提高了16倍。图象信息增加了21倍。该系统不需要任何图象板和监视器,只需一台微机即可,并不受微机更新换代的影响,故延长了寿命。该系统能提供高分辨率的冰图,精确表示出冰缝、水道区,为船舶航行起到更好的导航作用 This paper aims to provide an accurate and clear ice map and forecast for the Antarctic research vessel navigating in the ice region based on the assessment goal of “Antarctic sea ice monitoring and forecasting” in the “Eighth Five-Year” national Antarctic research project. In order to achieve this goal, the 9th Antarctic Expedition Team first established a high-resolution satellite receiving station at Antarctic Great Wall Station and Zhongshan Station in 1992/93. Over the course of three years, a total of more than 1000 gigabits of 1A magnetic tapes were recorded. , And can provide on-site satellite image as an important basis for weather forecast. The satellite receiving and processing system of these two stations is a satellite remote sensing system under the DOS system. After these tapes are brought back to China, the information about the sea ice extraction is about 1200 working days, and there must be a matching processing system, that is, a system equipped with an MVP graphics board and a SONY monitor on the AST386 microcomputer. However, these hardware have been eliminated, can not be configured. The newly developed satellite receiving small remote sensing processing system under Windows fully embodies the advantages of the Window system, namely multitasking, multi-window, free roaming, user-friendly interface and so on. 10 times faster than the original system, 5 times faster reading and recording, and 16 times more image resolution. Image information increased 21 times. The system does not require any image board and monitor, just a computer can be, and not affected by computer replacement, it extended the life. The system can provide high-resolution ice map, accurately show the ice seams, waterway area, for navigating the ship to play a better navigation role