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以“赶超”为最高目标任务的竞技体育“缩短战线,保证重点”发展战略以及与之相配套的战略措施是我国竞技体育成功实现跨越式发展的基石。在科学发展观指导下,这一战略不仅在目标定位上过于狭窄,而且实际运行也与社会改革不匹配,引发了竞技体育内部严重的结构性矛盾。依据科学发展观的基本要求,“缩短战线、保证重点”发展战略的调整和改革,首先应从战略目标定位入手,确立全面提升竞技体育综合实力的目标取向,并依据社会改革和统筹兼顾的基本要求,从管理体制、资源配方式、运行机制入手选择新的竞技体育发展模式,结合竞技体育实际目标任务,通过政策扶持、投入倾斜、资源分配等方式分步推进改革,实现竞技体育的全面、协调、可持续发展。 To “catch up with” as the highest goal of competitive sports “shortening the front, ensure the key” development strategy and its accompanying strategic measures is the cornerstone of our successful realization of leapfrog development of competitive sports. Under the guidance of the Scientific Outlook on Development, this strategy is not only too narrow in the orientation of the target, but also does not match with the social reform in practice, causing serious structural contradictions in the competitive sports. According to the basic requirements of the scientific development concept and the adjustment and reform of the development strategy of “shortening the front line and guaranteeing the key points,” we should start with the positioning of strategic objectives and establish the overall goal of comprehensively enhancing the comprehensive strength of competitive sports. In the light of social reform and overall consideration Basic requirements, starting from the management system, resource allocation and operation mechanism to choose a new competitive sports development model, combined with the actual goals and objectives of competitive sports, through the policy support, investment tilt, resource allocation and other ways to promote step by step reform to achieve a comprehensive sports Coordinated and sustainable development.
结合多年实际教学经验,对高职院校人体解剖生理学课程的教学改革,发表一些自己的看法和建议,希望对这一科目的教学研究和发展起到一些积极有效的作用。 Combined with many
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