Optimization criteria for the performance of heat and mass transfer in indirect evaporative cooling

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FUHENGBIN
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The wide application of evaporative cooling techniques in which the optimization criteria form the theoretical basis for improving evaporative cooling performance is essential for energy conservation and emission reduction.Based on exergy analysis and the entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance method,this contribution aims to investigate the effects of flow and area distributions in the optimization of the performance of indirect evaporative cooling systems.We first establish the relationships of exergy efficiency,entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance and cooling capacity of a typical indirect cooling system.Using the prescribed inlet parameters,the heat and mass transfer coefficients and the circulating water mass flow rate,we then numerically validate that when the cooling capacity reaches a maximum,the entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance falls to a minimum while the exergy efficiency is not at an extreme value.The result shows that the entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance,not the exergy efficiency,characterizes the heat transfer performance of an evaporative cooling system,which provides a more suitable method for evaluating and analyzing the indirect cooling system. The wide application of evaporative cooling techniques in which the optimization criteria form the theoretical basis for improving evaporative cooling performance is essential for energy conservation and emission reduction.Based on exergy analysis and the entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance method, this contribution aims to investigate the effects of flow and area distributions in the optimization of the performance of indirect evaporative cooling systems. We first establish the relationships of exergy efficiency, entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance and cooling capacity of a typical indirect cooling system. Using the prescribed inlet parameters, the heat and mass transfer coefficients and the circulating water mass flow rate, we then numerically validate that when the cooling capacity reaches a maximum, the entransy dissipation-based thermal resistance falls to a minimum while the exergy efficiency is not at an extreme value. result shows that the entransy dissipation-b ased thermal resistance, not the exergy efficiency, characterizes the heat transfer performance of an evaporative cooling system, which provides a more suitable method for evaluating and analyzing the indirect cooling system.
●错漏百出  对于出版物错漏百出,老师说:误人子弟。  消协说:假冒伪劣。  购买者说:上当受骗。  炒邮者说:要是邮票上有这么多错该多好啊!。  ●误会  一名欧洲游客在东京的商店里寻找运动衣的拉链。他用手势向一位女售货员比划了好一阵子。终于,女售货员明白了,拿出了一把用于剖腹的剑放到柜台上。  ●占便宜  某先生在一家具店与女老板神侃,便宜买得一套沙发,甚是得意。次日又想如法炮制,再去买一张床
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