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上月七大城市工商局長會議,曾根據共同綱領公私兼顧的原則,着重地討論了調整公私工商業關係問題,因爲這是目前國民經濟恢復過程中的一個大問題。過去在公私工商業問的基本情况是怎樣呢? 應當說,國營經濟在過去對於私人资本主義經濟、合作社經濟、農民和手工業者的個體經濟及國家資本主義經濟是給了幫助的。國營企業對私人企業進行了大批的成品收購、原料供給、代銷與經銷等業務。國營企業大量收購了農民的農產品、副産品和手工業生産品。國營企業對合作社採取了委託代購、代銷並給以適當(?)待的辦法,扶助了人民合作事業的發展。國營企業曾通過加工、包銷、公私合營等形式廣泛地與私人企業合作, Last month, the meeting of chiefs of industry and commerce in the seven major cities held a special discussion on the adjustment of commercial and private-sector relations based on the principle of both public ownership and due consideration in the common program, as this is a major issue in the process of national economic recovery. In the past, what was the basic situation in public and private industry and commerce? It should be said that in the past the state-owned economy helped the private capitalist economy, the cooperative economy, the individual economy of peasants and handicraftsmen and the national capitalist economy. State-owned enterprises carried out a large number of private enterprises in the finished product acquisition, raw material supply, consignment and distribution business. State-owned enterprises acquired a large number of peasants’ agricultural products, by-products and handicraft products. State-owned enterprises have taken the approach of entrusting purchasing cooperatives, consigning sales and giving appropriate (?) Treatment to cooperatives, and have helped the development of people’s cooperative undertakings. State-owned enterprises have extensively cooperated with private enterprises through such forms as processing, underwriting and public-private partnerships,
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患者 35岁.2004年10月10日在外院经剖宫产分娩一女婴,产后1周出现39.8℃高热、切口感染,因产后高热伴轻度昏迷,于2004年10月17日入院.身体检查:患者轻度昏迷,体温39.9℃,心率115次,呼吸25次。
森林之鹰苗条如少女一样的青松, 挺立在祁连峻峭的雪峰, 风送来伐木者斧锯的铿锵, 还夹带少妇催眠的歌声。伐木工家中勤劳的母亲, 用乳汁哺育着森林雏鹰; 美丽、神奇的祁连
长白湖——小天池颂没有涟漪, 没有涛声, 碧蓝平静的湖面上, 映着山峰林海的倒影。假如是游人来到湖边, 长白湖就无限多情, 俊俏、清彻、透明, 她象北方少女的眼睛。夏季穿