The second academic exchange meeting between Chinese mainland and Taiwan’s agricultural economists was “Symposium on Cross-Strait Agricultural Development in the 21st Century” held from September 13 to September 16, Taiwan University in Taipei. 22 mainland scholars and experts invited to participate in the seminar were led by Liu Zhicheng, chairman of China Agricultural Economics Society, Zhang Wanxin, vice president of the Taiwan Studies Association, and 135 as a Taiwan scholar and expert. Can be called a larger event. The seminar conducted five keynote speeches and six thematic discussions on eight themes. Eight themes are: food supply and demand - trends and prospects; agrifood trade; international economic situation and agricultural development strategies; agricultural competitiveness and international regional integration; rural development and farmer organizations; resource management and environmental protection; agricultural science and technology Research and agricultural extension; cross-Strait agricultural exchanges and so on. Now the main academic point of view are as follows.