
来源 :复旦学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hestry
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卢梭的《论语言的起源》是一部长期被忽视的著作。在这部著作里卢梭表述了一种独特的语言观,认为语言因表达情感而非表达思想才产生出来,并且语言和音乐、诗歌同源,而文字及语法的产生导致了语言的退化。卢梭的这个语言理论是他的浪漫主义世界观的一部分。德里达对卢梭的这部著作做过一个著名的解读,以此来阐述他的解构主义方法,但是我们有理由来质疑他的解读的基本出发点。 Rousseau’s The Origins of Language is a long neglected work. Rousseau in this book presents a unique linguistic view that language is produced by the expression of emotion rather than expression of thought, and that language is homologous with music and poetry, while the production of words and grammar leads to the degeneration of language. Rousseau’s theory of language is part of his romantic worldview. Derrida made a famous interpretation of this book by Rousseau to explain his method of deconstruction, but we have reason to question the basic starting point of his interpretation.
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