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探究甘蓝型油菜化学诱导型雄性不育(CIMS)和细胞质雄性不育(CMS)杂交种间遗传效应的差异,为利用CIMS和CMS途径进行油菜超高产育种提供依据。以3个甘蓝型油菜CMS和同核CIMS与4个恢复系按照ACII不完全双列杂交(3×4)配制2套同核异质杂交种及其亲本为试验材料,进行了连续2年的田间试验,将29个性状指标划分为农艺、产量、品质3类性状,利用QGA Station Microsoft分析软件中的加-显性(AD)模型进行了统计分析,结果表明:与同核CIMS杂种比较,CMS杂种农艺、产量和品质性状的加性方差分别高21.85%,72.11%,13.48%,显性方差分别高3.58%,94.44%,56.90%,加性方差比率分别高39.29%,8.94%,-7.05%;显性方差比率分别高15.83%,4.30%,89.97%。CIMS杂种与同核CMS杂种间在F1的差异大小为农艺性状>产量性状>品质性状,在F2为产量性状>农艺性状>品质性状;在F1、F2,与同核CIMS杂种比较,CMS杂种的群体平均优势农艺性状分别低31.61%,32.74%,产量性状高72.82%,76.95%,品质性状指标则低58.81%,22.63%;在F1、F2,CMS杂种的群体超亲优势为农艺性状分别低75.35%,76.33%,产量性状低47.53%,32.90%,品质性状高14.09%,20.53%。CMS杂种的农艺性状、产量性状的狭义遗传率则分别比CIMS杂种高47.77%,54.31%。CMS不育细胞质对油菜杂种的性状产生了影响,且不同性状受到的影响程度不同;即CMS杂种的性状受亲本基因型的控制程度高于CIMS杂种;对CMS杂种的亲本应在早期世代加强选择,主要利用亲本的一般配合力(加性效应)进行选择,而CIMS杂种的亲本则应在高世代加强选择;亲本的性状和亲本的特殊配合力(显性效应)对2类杂交种的表现都有较大影响,因而亲本的选配对杂种的表现有很大的决定性。 To explore the difference of genetic effects between CIMS and cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) hybrids in Brassica napus, and to provide evidence for the utilization of CIMS and CMS in breeding of super high-yield rapeseed. Two sets of isonuclear allogeneic hybrids and their parents were prepared from 3 CMS lines of Brassica napus and CIMS with 4 restorer lines according to ACII incomplete diallel cross (3 × 4) Field experiments were conducted to classify 29 traits as agronomic traits, yield traits and quality traits. Statistical analysis was conducted using the additive-dominance (AD) model of QGA Station Microsoft analysis software. The results showed that compared with the homologous CIMS hybrids, The additive variance of CMS hybrids was 21.85%, 72.11%, 13.48%, respectively, and the dominant variance was 3.58%, 94.44% and 56.90% respectively. The additive variance ratio was 39.29% and 8.94% 7.05% respectively; the ratio of dominant variance was 15.83%, 4.30% and 89.97% respectively. The difference in F1 between CIMS hybrids and homonuclear CMS hybrids was agronomic traits> yield traits> quality traits, F2 was the yield traits> agronomic traits> quality traits; F1, F2, The average agronomic traits of the populations were 31.61% and 32.74% lower, respectively. The yield traits were 72.82% and 76.95%, respectively, while the quality traits were 58.81% and 22.63% respectively. The groups with F1, F2 and CMS heterosis showed low agronomic traits 75.35% and 76.33% respectively. The yield traits were low 47.53% and 32.90%, and the quality traits were 14.09% and 20.53% respectively. The narrow inheritance of agronomic traits and yield traits of CMS hybrids were 47.77% and 54.31% higher than that of CIMS hybrids, respectively. CMS CMS affected the traits of rape hybrids, and the traits of different traits were different; CMS traits were more controlled by parental genotype than CIMS hybrids; parents of CMS hybrids should be strengthened in early generations , Mainly using the parents ’general combining ability (additive effect), while the parents of CIMS hybrids should strengthen the selection in the high generations; the parents’ traits and the special combining ability (dominance effect) of the parents on the performance of the two kinds of hybrids Have a greater impact, so the parental selection of the hybrid performance is very decisive.
为检测 CAPN4基因在牦牛群体中的多态性,分析 CAPN4基因启动子区突变对甘南牦牛胴体及肉质性状的影响,寻找与牦牛此类性状相关的分子遗传标记。采用 PCR-SSCP技术检测830头甘南
为了研究番茄白粉菌与番茄相互作用的分子机制,以白粉菌诱导的番茄叶片为材料,利用SMART技术构建了番茄的AD-c DNA文库。该文库总库容量为3.77×1010cfu,重组率达到96%,插入
对压力表的检定中出现的轻敲位移超差现象,产生轻敲位移超差的原因进行分析并提出常用的修理方法。 The tapping displacement aberration appeared in the verification of