A 55-dB SNDR,2.2-m W double chopper-stabilized analog front-end for a thermopile sensor

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenzhiying
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A double chopper-stabilized analog front-end(DCS-AFE) circuit for a thermopile sensor is presented,which includes a closed-loop front-end amplifier and a 2nd-order 1 bit quantization sigma–delta modulator. The amplifier with a closed-loop structure ensures the gain stability against the temperature. Moreover, by adopting the chopper-stabilized technique both for the amplifier and 2nd-order 1-bit quantization sigma–delta modulator,the low-frequency 1/f noise and offset is reduced and high resolution is achieved. The AFE is implemented in the SMIC 0.18 m 1P6M CMOS process. The measurement results show that in a 3.3 V power supply, 1 Hz input frequency and 3KHz clock frequency, the peak signal-to-noise and distortion ratio(SNDR) is 55.4 dB, the effective number of bits(ENOB) is 8.92 bit, and in the range of –20 to 85 degrees, the detection resolution is 0.2 degree. A double chopper-stabilized analog front-end (DCS-AFE) circuit for a thermopile sensor is presented, which includes a closed-loop front-end amplifier and a 2nd-order 1 bit quantization sigma- delta modulator. -loop structure ensures the gain stability against the temperature. Furthermore, by adopting the chopper-stabilized technique both for the amplifier and 2nd-order 1-bit quantization sigma-delta modulator, the low-frequency 1 / f noise and offset is reduced and The measurement results show that in a 3.3 V power supply, 1 Hz input frequency and 3 kHz clock frequency, the peak signal-to-noise and distortion ratio ( SNDR) is 55.4 dB, the effective number of bits (ENOB) is 8.92 bit, and in the range of -20 to 85 degrees, the detection resolution is 0.2 degree.
本文图案构成课程为例,分别从项目设计、项目分解、课堂教学组织、教学评价与成效等方面介绍了项目教学法在艺术设计类专业基础课程中的实施过程和实施要点。 In this paper
进行全膜覆盖条件下种植密度和施肥量对马铃薯产量的影响试验,结果表明:在横县冬种,全膜覆盖种植马铃薯5.70万株/hm2、施入专用肥(养分总含量25%)560 kg/hm2时,产量最高,效益