采取针对措施 杜绝规费流失

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为确保按章计征,杜漏增收,日前,河南省唐河城关收费站采取有力措施,强化征费工作,取得明显成效,半个月来,平均每天增收千余元。他们一是对改装、改型、“大吨小标”等降低吨位的“克隆车”,依照有关规定,足额收取;二是封堵绕站道口,在县城滨河路的绕站道口设置禁止通行标志和隔 In order to ensure that the tax levied according to the rules and leaking more revenue, a few days ago, the Tanghe Chengguan Toll Station in Henan Province took effective measures to strengthen the levying work and achieved remarkable results. Over the past two months, the average daily income has increased by more than 1,000 yuan. One of them is a “clone car” that reduces tonnage, such as modification and modification, and “big tonnage tagging”, and charges them in full according to the relevant regulations. Second, it is to block the winding station crossing and prohibit the setting of winding station crossing at Binhe Road in the county Pass signs and intervals
采用二阶迎风离散格式并选用RNG(renormalization group)k-ε湍流模型,对轴对称分开排气喷管和核心喷管上采用V形尾缘的分开排气喷管的喷流流场进行三维数值模拟.结果表明,相
应用重叠网格计算方法对高超声速飞行器出现攻角振荡时的发动机进气道的流场特性进行了数值模拟,给出了频率为10,20,40 Hz以及3°和5°振幅对进气道气动力、总压恢复系数和流
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
考点1考查副词as的用法[真题回放](2004山西)The ice in the lake is as as it was before..A.thin B.thinner C.thinnest D.the thinnest[解题点拨]选A。as…as…像……一样
近期,界首市人民路沿街千户市民掀起了自建门前慢车道和人行道的热潮。市民们为政府分忧、为城建出力的高尚之举,受到界首市政府和市建委的高度赞扬。 Recently, a crowd o