A low-power current self-adjusted VCO using a bottom PMOS current source

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinxinxiangrong1
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This paper presents the design and implementation of a current self-adjusted VCO with low power consumption. In the proposed VCO, a bottom PMOS current source instead of a top one is adopted to decrease the tail noise. A current self-adjusted technique without additional external control signals is taken to ensure the VCO starts up in the whole band while keeping the power consumption relatively low. Meanwhile, the phase noise of the VCO at the low frequency (high Cvar/ can be reduced by the technique. The circuit is implemented in 0.18 m CMOStechnology.The proposed VCO exhibits low power consumption of <1.6 m Wata 1.5 V supply voltage and a tuning range from 11.79 to 12.53 GHz. The measured phase noise at 1 MHz offset from the frequency 11.79 GHz is –104.7 dBc/Hz, and the corresponding FOM is –184.2 dBc/Hz. This paper presents the design and implementation of a current self-adjusted VCO with low power consumption. In current proposed VCO, a bottom PMOS current source instead of a top one is taken to decrease the tail noise. A current self-adjusted technique without additional external control signals is taken to ensure the VCO starts up in the whole band while keeping the power consumption relatively low. However, the phase noise of the VCO at the low frequency (high Cvar / can be reduced by the technique. The circuit is implemented in 0.18 m CMOS technology. The proposed VCO exhibits low power consumption of <1.6 m Wata 1.5 V supply voltage and a tuning range from 11.79 to 12.53 GHz. The measured phase noise at 1 MHz offset from the frequency 11.79 GHz is -104.7 dBc / Hz , and the corresponding FOM is -184.2 dBc / Hz.
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