斗转星移,日月更迭,新疆水利水电勘测设计研究院走过了45年光辉历程,将迎来新世纪的曙光。站在世纪之交的历史时刻,我们正满怀信心,努力建设更加美好的明天。 1956年9月,自治区人民委员会批准成立水利勘测设计院,建院45年,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,在改革开放的春风中焕发青春,在市场经济的大潮中开拓前进,技术、经济实力跃上了一个新台阶,各项工作都取得了前所未有的成绩。
With the transformation of the sun and the moon, the Xinjiang Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research and Design has gone through a glorious 45-year history and will usher in the dawn of the new century. Standing at the historic moment of the turn of the century, we are full of confidence and strive to build a better tomorrow. In September 1956, the People’s Committee of the People’s Autonomous Region approved the establishment of a water conservancy survey and design institute. It has been established for 45 years, and especially since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party Congress, it has rejuvenated its youth in the spring breeze of reform and opening up, and has been advancing in the tide of the market economy. The technological and economic strength has leapt to a new level and all work has achieved unprecedented results.