
来源 :会计与经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gang007
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回顾了贸易隐含碳以及增长与能源关系相关研究,推导投入产出模型以及计算CO_2排放强度矩阵,测算中国24个工业行业国内CO_2排放和出口贸易CO_2排放,证实部分行业属于高排放和高能耗行业,而且部分行业出口贸易国内碳排放比重较高;基于测算结果选择中国工业出口贸易隐含碳比重较高的11个行业,构建面板数据模型并进行平稳性检验、协整检验及个体固定效应检验,结果证实这些行业能源消耗与产出长期稳定关系和较大的弹性系数作用;最后提出政策建议,强调排放消费者负责制的排放责任认定原则,强化我国出口贸易隐含碳较高行业的产业结构低碳化,提高能源利用效率的技术创新。 After reviewing the researches on the relationship between trade implied carbon and growth and energy, deriving the input-output model and calculating the matrix of CO 2 emission intensity, we estimate the domestic CO 2 emissions and CO 2 emissions of the 24 industrial sectors in China, confirming that some industries are high-emission and high-energy Industry, and some industries have a high proportion of domestic carbon emissions in export trade. Based on the calculation results, 11 industries with higher proportion of hidden carbon in China’s industrial export trade were selected to construct panel data model and conduct stationarity test, co-integration test and individual fixed effect The results confirm the long-term and stable relationship between energy consumption and output and the larger coefficient of elasticity in these industries. Finally, we put forward policy suggestions, emphasize the principle of determining emission responsibility of consumer responsibility system and strengthen the higher carbon industry in China’s export trade Low-carbon industrial structure, improve energy efficiency of technological innovation.
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2014年9月19—21日,由捷克帕拉茨基大学孔子学院(Konfuciova akademie,Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci)主办的“欧洲《红楼梦》多语种译介与海外红学研究研讨会”(The Int
在集约化养殖水体中有机物和“三氮”的浓度往往明显增加 ,随着有机物的增加 ,异氧微生物得以大量繁殖 ,而自养微生物如硝化细菌由于其自身的特点 :自养性、好氧性、生长速度