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现代人的生活空间是越来越狭窄还是越来越广阔?城市的膨胀将人们的活动范围无形地限制进了人工和混凝土的构筑,然而信息时代的到来将人们的思维及想象的空间推向极至,尖端科技和高度发达的生产力几乎使人类无所不能:上天,入地,上山,入海……更为极至的是,那些原本属于特种职业范畴的活动,也在被越来越多的普通人尝试。比如,飞。从希腊神话中的神将鸟的羽毛粘在背上飞越浩瀚大洋,到怀特兄弟成功地利用飞行器飞向蓝天,时至今日人类己能用各种方式在天空乃至宇宙间徜徉。诚然,对于大多数的人而言,飞的形式仍仅限于坐在飞机里作俯瞰云海的旅行。于是,那种想像鸟儿一样飞翔的欲望,便必然地需要通过飞机之外的某种方式达成。除去考一张飞机驾照,那太过矫情;除去从跳伞塔上降落,那太过原始;直到发现了它——滑翔。 The living space of modern people is more and more narrow or is it becoming more and more wide? The expansion of the city limits the scope of people’s activities invisible to the construction of artificial and concrete. However, the advent of the information age will push people’s space for thinking and imagination To the extreme, cutting-edge technology and highly developed productive forces make human beings omnipotent: God, land, mountains, sea entry ... What is more extreme is that those activities that are originally belonging to special occupations are also being increasingly used Ordinary people try. For example, fly. From the gods in Greek mythology, the bird’s feathers are glued to the back flying over vast oceans. By the time the White Brothers succeeded in using the aircraft to fly to the sky, mankind has been able to use various means to swoop in the sky and even in the universe. It is true that for most people, the form of flying is still limited to traveling in an airplane overlooking the sea of ​​clouds. So the desire to fly like a bird must necessarily be achieved somehow outside the aircraft. Remove the test driver’s license for an airplane, that is too hypocritical; remove from the parachute tower landing, that is too primitive; until it is found - gliding.
底特律的“汽车工人”Richard Hamilton一身嘻哈风格,站在美国总统府白宫外,就象是个未成熟的大男孩,形成了一道独特的风景线。粗犷的坠饰张扬的表现出自己的个性、与他在球
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